Learn when to take a step back from your work

AT this point, I am sure most of us are physially and mentally burned out. Some of it may have been caused by the existing political tensions and the COVID-19 virus but I am sure most of it is caused by work. Work—whether it be school work, office work, skilful work, yard work, housework– all of it can be very tiring and time-consuming. Have you ever felt as if you’re drowning in an ocean of work and you can’t seem to reach the surface, no matter what? After one task is done, you’re forced to complete another? It seems as if the cycle of work never stops. That can be very demotivating to you and in return may hinder the outcome of the task or agenda you had to complete. Overworking yourself may result in sloppy submissions of your assignments, losing one’s train of thought, unhealthy sleeping and eating patterns and much more. It can even affect your relationships with close family and friends. “Drowning” yourself in work means you’re going to use more time to complete certain tasks and that also means that you’ll automatically spend less time with your loved ones.

I think the most important point to note here is that you will also end up spending less time with ourselves as well. More work time means less “me time.” This week’s inspiration for this column piece is myself. I have been overworking myself lately, trying to balance the responsibilities of being a student, a businesswoman, a writer and a student representative. I spend less time with myself these days and that bothers me. Eventually, I had to force myself to shy away from such a habit. Anything, if used or done compulsively, becomes addicting. The same can be said for work. There is a thin line between addiction and passion/intense love for someone, something or in this case, tasks to be done. Hence, the term, “workaholics.” Some may also view work as an “escape” from their everyday troubles. That is okay. What isn’t okay? When work itself becomes burdensome. Learn where and how to draw that line to a halt, no matter how hard it is.

We should also learn when to say, “NO”. Some of us, no matter what, for whatever reason cannot say no or “I decline”. I am one of those guilty persons. If you are taxed with work, you have existing problems and tasks, don’t try to create more problems for yourself. A simple word such as: “NO”, can save you a lot of stress. Everything doesn’t have to be done today. You are human, the world around you should expect human behaviour. If it does not; find a new environment to dwell in. Eventually, your body will run short on energy and when your mind wants to say, “Yes”, your body will say, “no” for you. Quality over quantity. Focus on one task at a time and if you can decline extra tasks until you’ve completed one, then do just that. In these times, work and school can be very burdensome and tiring. You’re not quitting, you’re merely taking a break to fuel up to achieve more than you possibly could imagine. Take a step back.


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