Pomeroon teen starts own tutoring company
Johnathan Barakat
Johnathan Barakat

– Inspired by need in pandemic

A 19-year-old Psychology student at the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) has answered his calling and started his own tutoring company, which is an absolute necessity, especially in this quarantine season.

Johnathan Barakat, who hails from a family of teachers in the Pomeroon, said that he was always passionate about teaching and started private tutoring in 2018. However, this pandemic caused him to expand his services since demand would be increasing, and he decided to start his tutoring company, which he named ‘Prepwork Tutors.’

Barakat however said that this dream was in the making since he finished high school, because he found great difficulty securing a job.

“When I first finished high school, it was super tough to find a job since employers wanted experience and hefty qualifications. The desire and passion to teach has[sic] lingered within my veins and from a tender age, I was always willing to help share my knowledge to anybody who needed help. I started tutoring back in 2018, and my journey has awarded me the opportunity to meet some of the most extraordinary students who I hold dear to my heart. But since the pandemic has hit us, many parents find it tough to juggle work and trying to help their children. That’s where we come in,” the young man said.
He told the Guyana Chronicle that he currently has six qualified tutors signed on to his company, and as the demand increases they will be recruiting more, hopefully in the near future.

“Our tutors have all aced the CSEC exam, some the CAPE exam, and can guide the smallest child to the eldest to be successful. We follow the syllabus provided by the ministry and we create our own unique way to teach what is suitable for the child. We believe that each child has the potential to exceed their[sic] limits, all they need is an extra push,” he said enthusiastically.

Because of the level of tutors’ capability, Barakat said that they are catering to all subject areas that the child may need assistance in. The classes and syllabus they cover include from Grades One to Six, and from Form One, all the way to fifth form. As mentioned prior, tutors for CAPE subjects are also available.

“I should also say that as of now, zoom sessions take precedence over face-to-face classes, since the safety and well-being of students at this time is [sic] paramount. We will however, make special arrangements for students who cannot access zoom,” he said.

As exams are speedily approaching and school has been closed for months, if persons are interested in tutors for various subject areas, Barakat can be contacted via email johnathanbarakat8@gmail.com, cell phone +592-619-3415 or even via Facebook messenger.


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