Adding value to lives 

I WROTE about young people last week and this week I feel convicted to do the same. The Love Revolution is part of the Living with Intention Tour and our mission continues. Last week I shared a message from Richard Ishmael Secondary School and we have a message from Kayla Khaleel, who attends Peter’s Hall Primary.

What is love ?
According to, love is a complex set of emotions, behaviours and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth and respect for another person.

A person may say that he/she loves their dog, loves God, love their school, etc.

Love is considered to be a positive and a negative emotion.
Do you agree with that?
While the positive aspects of love are glorified, the negative impacts are now coming to the forefront… this is evident when we open the newspapers or listen to the news; always a love-hate, bitter-sweet ending for our greatest resource.

And even more crucial, the culture that is now prevalent in our schools. Quite a number of persons show prejudicial and discriminatory feelings towards one’s culture, customs and beliefs, which leads to school fights and confrontations among teachers and parents.
Now we have phones replacing books, knives are replacing pens and pencils; the internet is interfering with our minds and cognition.

Albert Einstein told us long ago a wise truth: that is the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

How can we show love and thus have a revolution?

– foster cooperation

– avoid name-calling and labelling

– be proactive when it comes to social ills.

– be influential, be a role model

– maintain respect, regardless

– have tolerance for individuals who hold varying cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, customs, etc.

– encourage meaningful relationships

– engage in communication

– remember to say meaningful but simple words such as thank you, please, excuse me, etc.

– instil morals and values in our children

– have workshops with parents or guardians on child-rearing and the ethical practices needed to have a well-rounded child

-work hands-on to eradicate bullying and violence in schools, communities and the country as a whole.

I hope my garden of peace, love and understanding fills your heart and gives you joy, happiness and great ambience”

I love to give the chance to young people to express themselves because that gives us a guage as to the directio in which they are headed. We recently completed the third MODEL IMAGE –Fashion the future you. What was special about this class is how vocal and interactive young men were vocal and interactive. I am so fortunate to have a front-row seat to the transformation of these future leaders. One of the young men said, “This programme not only teaches me how to be confident, but it enhanced my soul.” What made it extra special also is we had three fathers for the first time at the dinner which is the climax of the programme. This programme is extra special to my friend Richard Young, because he is one of the founders and has imparted his knowledge throughout the Caribbean. He left all his carnival celebrations in Trinidad to be here to contribute to our children and I am very grateful.

Richard was very impressed with the answer. One of the questions asked was, “If you select a colour that will best describe you, what would it be and why”?

“If I had to choose a colour to best represent me, it would naturally be green. Guyana so filled with green forests which provide oxygen for us humans to breathe clean air. I feel positive like this green energy.” This was a response from one of the children
Another great answer was when they were asked to compare themselves to an animal.
“If I had to choose an animal that best describes me I would say a zebra. Because of my mixed race, its colours portray my difference. A zebra is also unique and stands proud just like me.”

We had a feeling of satisfaction as we observed the class and sophistication exhibited as they chatted during dinner, while practising their etiquette skills. The proud parents’ expressions were priceless and I must commend them for wanting to add value to their children’s lives. “I wish every child had a chance to experience this because of the difference I am witnessing in my child. I benefitted also because there are things I was not aware of and now will be practising,” a parent remarked.

The management and staff of Tower Suites must be congratulated for this meaningful partnership. Parents and children were all given the LOVE REVOLUTION pins compliments of National Hardware, to share with their friends and families.
Think about something you can impart to someone that will last them a life as we continue this beautiful journey called life BEYOND THE RUNWAY.

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