West Indian Cherry

THIS week, NAREI in Focus will look at cherry production in Guyana. The cherry or West Indian (WI)Cherry, Malpighia punicifolia is a small bushy tree of the Family Malpighiaceae with bright, red-coloured fruit which contains the highest level of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) for an individual fruit. In addition to consumption as a local fruit, WI cherry has traditionally been used at the household level for making juices (pure or blended with other fruits), jellies and preserves.

Seeds should be taken from mature fruits selected from healthy high-bearing plants. They are separated from the pulp, washed and dried at room temperature away from direct sunlight. After drying the seed would remain good for about one month if stored in a cool dry place. Where it is necessary to guarantee the reproduction of selected types, propagation by cuttings in special humidity bins or misting units is usually conducted. Sweet types are selected for the fresh-fruit market, while more acid types are required for the processing industry.

Sowing of the seeds can be done in prepared seedbeds, boxes or plant bags. The seed should be planted about one cm below the surface and covered with a thin layer of soil. During germination and early growth, the seedlings should be shaded and receive adequate but not excessive water.

It is possible to grow West Indian cherries in a wide range of soil types. However, highest yields are obtained from trees growing on well-drained soils with more or less neutral reaction i.e. neither acid (sour) or alkaline (sweet). Given that most of the soils in Guyana are acid in reaction, a significant response can be expected from liming, which is the main way of reducing soil acidity. In sandy soils, the plant may be affected by nematodes which live in the soil. The recommended practice to overcome this is treatment of the soil with a nematicide. However, liming and the use of mulches will also be helpful.

Field layout, land-shaping, drainage systems, planting-hole preparation, plant spacing and time of planting depend on the area where the planting will be done. The characteristics of cultivars to be planted (upright and open or spreading and bushy canopy) and the type of planting material (rooted cuttings or seedlings) are also important considerations. Wide inter-row spacing, narrow cambered beds, deep drains, raised mounds, are some of the possible measures that may be adopted for overcoming adverse field conditions. Planting just before the onset of the rainy season is the recommended practice. It may be possible to plant continuously if supplementary irrigation is available during the drier seasons.

Planting Cherry seedlings are ready for planting out in the field when they are about 46 cm (18 ins) high. Planting should be conducted during the wet season while there is still moisture in the topsoil. The recommended spacing for pure stand cultivation is 4.5 m x 4.5 m (15’ x 15’) giving a population of 500 plants per hectare (200 plants per acre).
For mixed stands or intercropping systems, a lower plant population may be necessary, Planting holes are dug to a size to accommodate the plant in the bag but usually around 30 cm (1 ft.) in length, width and depth. The topsoil removed in digging the plant hole could be mixed with rotted pen manure, compost or some phosphate fertiliser.

Some of this mixed soil is then returned to the planting hole before putting the plant. The plant bags in which plants are usually supplied should be carefully removed so as to keep the root ball intact. The plants are then placed in the holes following which the balance of the topsoil is returned to fill the holes and thoroughly compressed. If conditions are dry the plants should be watered. As part of their cultivation system, growers need to consider •Intercropping •Closer spacing & subsequent thinning out to the required spacing.


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