Police are preparing to institute charges against a teenager who is cited as a ‘hitman’ in last December’s brutal slaying Canadian-based Guyanese Vivekanand Narpatty 68,and his worker Harry Persaud Prashad.
On Monday,a farmer, Alvin Dreuan of Number 65 Village Corentyne was charged and remanded to prison in connection with the matter after making an appearance at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.
Se related story here: Farmer charged with murders of Number 63 Beach hotel proprietor,employee
Reports are that while police were preparing to charge Dreuan, over the weekend,investigators from the Major Crimes Unit made another breakthrough when they nabbed the sixteen-year old fishermen who was on a boat on the Number 63 Beach.

According to police sources, he allegedly admitted to investigators of beating and chopping the victims.
It is still unclear what was the motive for the gruesome killing, however sources have also indicated the men may have been hired to commit the act. Dreuan and several others were arrested last week in connection with the double murder.
The decomposed bodies of Narpatty and Prashad were discovered at the now defunct SunSplash Hotel located at the Number 63,Beach on December 27th.Narpatty was planning to re-open the hotel which was the centre of a dispute,sources reported.
The Canadian based Guyanese arrived in Guyana on December 19 for a vacation with the intention of sprucing up the hotel, after calls to his phone went unanswered a family member went to check on him when the discovery was made.
The men’s bodies were found meters apart in the second flat of the balcony of the hotel;the body of Prashad was tied to a post with his left foot severed while Narpatty was found with two toes missing among other injuries.Several documents were seen scattered around the house.
he bodies of the elderly men were discovered on the second flat in the Balcony area. The body of Narpatty was found with two toes from his left foot severed while Prashad was found tied to a post with his hands behind his back. Speaking briefly with this publication, relatives of the deceased have since expressed satisfaction that the police have managed to make headway into the crime.