White Water village councillor killed in Venezuela
Randolph Moore
called ‘Tadpole’
Randolph Moore called ‘Tadpole’

A family at the border village of White Water in the North West District is mourning the loss of a 38-year old man, who was murdered across the border in Venezuela last weekend.

Reports are that Randolph Moore called ‘Tadpole’, a member of the Community Policing Group (CPG) at White Water and member of the village council, crossed into Venezuela in September this year along with his brother to trade items, mainly food and oil.

The men were expected to return to White Water last weekend.

However, Moore’s wife, Salome henry, told the Guyana Chronicle that the family learnt that her husband was robbed and killed at a mining area called ‘Hanaida’ on Sunday last. Reports are that the man was burnt and buried by his attackers who are said to be sindicatos.

Sources in the area noted that Moore became a target since the gangs found out that he was attached to the community policing group at the village. Reports are that the village council at White Water implemented a system in which traders are asked to pay a fee to ferry fuel through the village.

It was noted that the sindicatos were utilizing the traders to source food and goods from the village and as such, they were angry that the foreigners were paying a fee to trade fuel at the village. Reports are that Moore was pointed out to the gang last Sunday and they accused him of enforcing the village law regarding the fee.

White Water Toshao Ernest Samuels told the Guyana Chronicle that the villagers are angry at the situation. He said Moore has been living at the community for years and is the father of three boys. Moore, he noted is a member of the village council.

After learning about the man’s death, the village leader asked the law enforcement authorities to block migrants from accessing the village.

Villagers have expressed fear about the situation as many noted the hospitality they have given to the migrants who entered their community seeking a better life.

Police and army ranks stationed at White Water, have since set-up roadblocks at areas closer to the border following the incident.


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