PNC/R accuses opposition of abusing Judiciary
Minister of State and PNC/R member, Dawn Hastings-Williams
Minister of State and PNC/R member, Dawn Hastings-Williams

THE People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) has condemned the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for what they call abuse of the judicial system in an attempt to obtain political power.

Speaking at the part’s weekly press briefing at Congress Place, Sophia, Minister of State and PNC/R member, Dawn Hastings-Williams, said her party has restored law, order and the independence of the judiciary.

“It is a clear abuse of the judicial system to be returning to court for a decision on matters that the highest court – the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has already ruled on. While the PNC/R knows the megalomaniac behind the abuse of the judicial system, we wish to point out that his interest is not in serving the Guyanese people and urge him to manifest some modicum of decency and end the abuse of the judicial system,” the minister of state said.

She noted that the use of the judicial system to get power is not new and it would not succeed.

“The people of Guyana are aware that under the PPP, the Executive abused its power. The then Head of State assented to a Bill to ensure that a person can only serve two terms as President. He then orchestrated for someone who worked with him to challenge it in court. It succeeded in Guyana while the Judiciary operated based on fear. It was over turned at the CCJ. Not satisfied, the PPP continues its quest for power at all cost,” Hastings-Williams said.

She said Guyanese are well aware of the control that the PPP exercised over the Judiciary while they were in power, noting that citizens cherish the independence of the Judiciary and will not forget the PPP’s reign of fear and will vote to return President David Granger and the APNU+AFC to government.

The PNC/R member further said the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition government honours decisions of the courts and gone are the days when the court ruled in favour of a citizen and the State refused to honour the court’s decision, as was the practice under the PPP.

“Guyanese are assured that this coalition government respects the ruling of our courts and will ensure justice is done. The PNC/R wishes to applaud President Granger and the APNU+AFC for upholding the Constitution and governing Guyana based on the rule-of-law,” she said.

Additionally, Minister Hastings-Williams said the PNCR supports the APNU+AFC Government decision to appoint more judges to ensure that the judicial system is equipped to deliver justice.


In this regard, she said it should be noted that the appointment of additional judges and other measures taken by the government, especially the Civil Procedures Rules 2016, have resulted in a reduction of the backlog of cases.

This, the minister said, coupled with the establishment of many courts in the hinterland and other rural communities, guarantees that people can access the judicial system, and do so at a lower cost.

“These decisions by the APNU+AFC government are a clear manifestation that it cares for the people of Guyana and that it is bent on delivering both access to the justice system and justice. The PNC/R supports the APNU+AFC policy of developing specialised courts to deal with the many cases in the justice system. To this end, the PNC/R welcomes the decision to establish the Sexual Offences and Family courts. This will go a far way in ensuring that sexual offences and family matters will be dealt with expeditiously. The PNC/R looks forward to the establishment of more specialised courts as the need arises,” the minister explained.

Meanwhile, the minister said the PNC/R believes that lawyers who are performing at a high level should be rewarded.

“It is apposite, therefore, to commend President Granger and the APNU+AFC for rewarding those who deserve to be appointed senior counsel, ending years of PPP disregard for the services of our lawyers who have distinguished themselves. Lawyers can now look forward to obtaining their due. This should restore hope in all lawyers and those students pursuing legal studies,” she said.

She continued: “The PNC/R wishes to thank the government for restoring scholarships to students who want to study law. This decision brings to an end the discrimination against poor, brilliant young people who, because of their economic circumstances, were deprived of the right to realise their academic and professional goals. The PPP’s policy to deprive the children of the poor from becoming lawyers has been rightly brought to an end.”

The minister of state said it is part of the PNC/R’s core ideology that people, especially the poor, must have access to State resources to realise their legitimate ambitions.


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