Dear Editor,
Guyana today is in a very, very troubled place. The Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce, together with other rural Chambers like the Upper Corentyne Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Berbice Chamber of Commerce & Development Association, the Linden Chamber of Industry, Commerce & Development, Bartica Chamber of Commerce and the Region Five Chamber of Industry & Commerce are all sectoral members of the Private Sector Commission. Together, these chambers are made up of hundreds of members and it is extremely disingenuous to conclude that they are all PPP supporters. So to brand the Private Sector Commission a PPP organisation and attack its chairman, who was unanimously elected, is quite dangerous, as it seeks to erode the credibility of the premiere Private Sector institution in Guyana, whose collective membership is the largest employer in the country and which is in the forefront of fighting to guard the democratic values of our country and ensuring the government is in compliance and adherence to the constitution.
The Private Sector Commission recently sent two letters to Mr. Keith Lowenfield, Chief Elections Officer, in the main, showing how the present voters list can be refreshed and use in the upcoming pools. A lot of questions asked of the CEO were mainly ignored. However, thereafter a vicious, racist and extremely nasty attack was launched on the P.S.C. and its chairman, Mr. Gerald Goveia by Elections Commissioner, Desmond Trotman. The hate that spewed from his pen showed the dangerous levels this country is descending into and the government of the day has to take full responsibility.
The fact that Mr. Lowenfield recently confessed that the present list can be refreshed through claims and objections, is proof enough that the P.S.C letters to him may had its intended effect and which has exposed the partisanship of Mr. Trotman. His attack on Chairman Goveia is strongly condemned by our Chamber.
We also feel the haste to start house to house registrations without a Chairman in place was unwise and ill advised.
By issuing this statement, our Chamber may also come under attack, but it’s a small price to pay for us to ensure democracy and adherence to the constitution of the country.
Central Corentyne Chamber of commerce