Contractor spruces up Le Repentir Cemetery
Workers of Anderson clear the high bushes from the Le Repentir Cemetery on Sunday (Samuel Maughn photo)
Workers of Anderson clear the high bushes from the Le Repentir Cemetery on Sunday (Samuel Maughn photo)

GEORGETOWN Mayor, Pandit Ubraj Narine, has commended the works of local contractor Francis ‘Brother’ Anderson who conducted a voluntary clean-up exercise at Le Repentir Cemetery on Sunday.

Narine, along with Councillor Trichria Richards, visited the cemetery on Sunday where Anderson had commenced the cleaning with the use of this own workers, to set an example of how it ought to be maintained.

“It’s a pilot project and a public-private partnership with one Mr. Anderson who has been a friend of the Council through hard and good times,” Richards said.
“He has been doing some volunteer work in the cemetery to show us what the cemetery should look like, especially the new councillors coming in who won’t have an idea how the cemetery should be.”

Richards said it was the hope that the project would serve as the basis for a document which could be taken to the Council and, through the Finance Committee, be developed into a sustainable project.

Georgetown Mayor Pandit Ubraj Narine and Councillor Trichria Richards interact with local contractor Francis ‘Brother’ Anderson

“It’s all in the bigger restoration project to bring Georgetown back to its former glory,” she said.
Meanwhile, the mayor commended the work of Anderson while he encouraged other citizens to join efforts in assisting the initiative.

“There is no payment; no contract and no kind of financial support from Council level [influencing this]. I want to give my compliment to him and we are able to see the standard of cleaning which I admire about him and his team,” the mayor acknowledged.
He continued: “Our loved ones are there and we need to take care of them in this manner.

I ask that others, relatives, friends and residents of this Georgetown area who want to lend some help to do so. We ask for contractors or so forth [to also come out] who may want to give their input to this voluntary project. This gentleman may not be able to finish this entire cemetery, maybe just a small part to show his skills, but that is what I admire about him.”


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