Commence house-to-house registration without delay– ANUG urges GECOM

THE A New and United Guyana (ANUG) has called on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to commence house-to-house registration immediately.

The call comes as the commission began preparations following a February 19, 2019 decision, by way of vote, which cleared the way for works towards this end.
Some $3B had already been allocated for the activity to take place in 2019. Government-nominated members on the Commission had pushed for the registration to ensure a credible list heading into elections.

Last December, the Opposition People’s Progressive Party passed a no-confidence motion against the government; however, last Friday, the Court of Appeal overturned a High Court ruling that the motion was validly passed.

Now that the High Court has ruled on the matter, ANUG is calling on GECOM to immediately commence the house-to-house registration.

“Sufficient resources should be given to GECOM to ensure that the exercise is completed in time and enhanced monitoring should be agreed between the parties to be paid for by the Government,” ANUG said.

The party also called for agreed measures by the main political parties for more effective monitoring of voting on Elections Day, with additional training of Election Day staff, observed by all political parties at government’s expense

Following the Appeal Court ruling, the Opposition had indicated that it will take the matter to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).


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