Ten interesting things to learn about tea

Tea was first discovered by the Chinese and used as medicine. Then it evolved into a type of beverage, and became an integral part of Chinese culture. Here are 10 interesting facts about Chinese tea to help you learn more about it.

1. Tea Has a 3,000-Year History in China
China is the homeland of tea. Wild tea trees from over 3,000 years ago, where tea was once farmed, and extant cultivated tea areas dating back to 800 years ago, can still be found in Southwest China. It was exported to Middle East and Europe through the ancient Silk Road.

2. Tea is the Second Most Consumed Beverage in China
Nowadays, tea is consumed around the world more than any other beverage except for water. You can find lots of teahouses in China easily, especially in the top tea culture cities.

3. Tea Was First Used as Medicine
Before the 8th century BC, tea in China was primarily used as a medicine. Ancient Chinese people often boiled fresh tea leaves and drank the infusion. They believed that tea reduced “heat” (see Chinese medicinal cuisine) and improved eyesight.

4. Tea is China’s Oldest Exported Product
China was the first and still is the largest exporter of tea. Near the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD), British merchants set up trading posts in Xiamen, Fujian Province and first started to trade in Chinese tea.

5. Tea Grown in Different Areas Has Different Flavors
Tea is the national drink in China, but the production and consumption of tea is distinctive in different regions.

6. The Longer Some Teas Are Stored the More Expensive They Are
There’s a saying among Chinese tea-lovers: a brick of good Pu’er tea is more valuable than a gram of gold. Some regard tea as an investment commodity rather than just something to put in a cup to drink.

7. Serving Tea to Elders or Guests Is a Sign of Respect
In traditional Chinese culture, serving tea to a guest is a sign of respect. A younger person can show respect and gratitude to an older person by offering a cup of tea. This is especially common during big celebrations, such as birthdays or the Spring Festival.

8. Chinese People Believe Tea is Good for Weight Loss
Tea is said to provide a lot of health benefits and is believed to be a healthy beverage by Chinese people. The most common belief is that it contributes to slimming, although there is no conclusive evidence that green tea aids weight loss, or has any beneficial health effects.

9. Tea Is a Great Social Media
Tea is a great social media in China. A teahouse is the by-product of Chinese tea culture. Chinese people generally consider meeting in a teahouse to be a good opportunity to socialize or discuss business matters.

10. Chinese People Think a Tea Set Is Very Important for a Good Cup of Tea
Chinese people are usually really finicky about the teaware they use for brewing or drinking tea. They believe that different tea sets affect the tea’s flavor.


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