Clean up your mental health

I WOULD like to continue along the path of lowering the serious expectations of change when it comes to improving mental health; reminding everyone that there are simple things that will make a difference.

I was really irritated yesterday, for no reason in particular- it was just one of those days, you know? So I took to my bedroom and looked around and saw what a mess it was. Now, I’m definitely messy- I’m not embarrassed to say it simply because there is a huge difference between messy and dirty. Messy is being able to see clothes on the floor or an unmade bed and still continue on with your day. In my opinion, dirty is classified as being able to see old plates of food around or not washing dishes for a few days.

So, I’m comfortable saying that I am messy. Anyway, back to the story- after I took to my room and saw how messy it was, I became even more agitated and took to my unmade bed. However, something told me to get up and clean the mess so I did. I honestly cannot explain how fast my mood lifted when I had cleared the clutter and my personal space was no longer messy. This got me thinking – a simple way to improve mental health- stay clean and uncluttered!

Many of us look at cleaning as a chore and always try to get our parents, siblings, partners, spouses or even friends to do it. But have we stopped to think how it may actually benefit us- both physically and mentally?
People who live in clutter or ‘unfinished projects’ are more likely to be stressed, irritated, aggravated and overall fatigued. A messy or dirty environment can cause distraction and low focus, productivity and efficiency and therefore may make routine tasks seem overwhelming on a whole.

When your environment is messy or cluttered, it doesn’t seem restful; it will always seem like there is something else to get done- because there is! It causes anxiety that we are not even aware of. It is even possible to develop additional mental illnesses such as depression or bipolar disorder.

On the other hand, seeing and being in a clean environment boosts our mood and optimism. Basically, there is peace and positivity behind organisation.
We know it helps our immune system as cleaning often removes any pollutants or bacteria that may cause anything from allergies to infections.

There have even been studies conducted in the United States to show the drastic benefits of a clean environment. One particular study followed over 900 Americans between the ages of 49-65. Those who made an effort to live in a cleaner environment ate healthier, were more physically active and were even less likely to develop heart disease than those who had untidy surroundings.

Apparently, people even sleep better in a clean environment. A separate study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation determined that those who made their bed in the morning and kept a clean bedroom were 19 per cent more likely to have better sleep. Seventy-five per cent of those people also reported better sleep when they washed their bed sheets more. Yes, the studies that people take the time to do huh? But, we do benefit from it if we listen.

Basically, when our surroundings look good, we begin to feel good. This means our energy levels, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth all increase- simply by a clean environment. You also want the people around you to positively grow and feel this way- a way that you cannot feel in a clustered or chaotic environment. It can also improve our relationships. How many of us have had fights with our partners because of a mess that was created? My guess is almost every single one of us. Let’s avoid this one now.

It’s important to note that the loss of motivation to keep a clean environment may be a warning sign of a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety. When we feel this way, we barely want to get out of bed- let alone make it
There are ways to become a cleaner person if you aren’t already. Make a list of goals to do every day or week- to ensure that the environment is always healthy and clean. You can split them with others or do it yourself! When you start feeling the benefits of a clean environment, your motivation to keep cleaning will build. Then maybe you’ll be comfortable having more people over to the house. Maybe set certain days and times to do certain things so it becomes routine rather than an annoyance.

If you feel like your house just can’t get clean, it means you have too much clutter- which I know can be super hard to rid. Maybe we feel that we may one day need all of it but we won’t. Try donating things that you haven’t used in six or more months. Sometimes, having less is actually more.
If your whole house is a mess, don’t feel overwhelmed as you can’t tackle it in one day. Take it one room at a time or heck, one corner at a time- you can do it. Start by simply making your bed every morning or washing each dish after you’ve used it so they don’t pile up.

That means, if nothing else for the day, you achieved success in being clean and orderly.
Remember that once you make something a habit, it will stick. Why not make it fun? For example- you and your partner can race- who can clean the kitchen faster than who can clean the bathroom. The winner gets a prize. Have two children? Let them play against each other. Even better!

Finally, please keep in mind, that for the lucky of us, our home is our haven- a safe space in a stressful world. It’s important to respect it. For those who sadly do not feel the same way, just try the cleanliness route- I really hope it makes a difference.
There is a famous quote- “Your body is your temple and your home is where it resides.”- so keep them both clean.

Thank you for reading and please send in any topics to Also please remember when you can come see me.

Georgetown Public Hospital, Psychiatric Department:
Monday- Friday – 08:00hrs-12:00hrs

Suicide Prevention Helpline Numbers – 223-0001, 223-0009, 623-4444 or 600-7896

Say Yes to Life and No to Drugs! Always!

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