GOVERNMENT on Friday said there are sufficient competent senior ranks within the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to be considered for the post of police commissioner.
Seelall Persaud demitted office as commissioner last week after attaining the age of retirement. Assistant Police Commissioner David Ramnarine is now acting as commissioner, until President David Granger appoints a substantive top cop.
Speaking Friday at a post-cabinet press briefing, Minister of State Joseph Harmon told reporters that the Force is not headless and in due course, a decision will be made about a new police commissioner. “In the fullness of time, having looked at all of the circumstances, His Excellency will make a determination for a substantive police commissioner,” Harmon said. “But I can say to you that there are, in the police force, some excellent officers who all can fit the role of commissioner of police,” the Minister of State continued.
Meanwhile, as it relates to the reconstitution of the Police Service Commission, Harmon told reporters that the matter is engaging the attention of the National Assembly’s Committee on Appointments. Thereafter, he said recommendations will be made to the President after submissions are made to the National Assembly. “We have urged that the National Assembly give this more attention, so we can have the Police Service Commission constituted in the shortest possible time,” Harmon said, while stressing the importance of the commission.
The Committee on Appointments chaired by Dr George Norton has since dispatched letters requesting nominees from four key groups. The Guyana Chronicle understands that since those letters were delivered, the Committee on Appointments has received three responses. In the case of the fourth group, it was discovered that it is no longer functioning and as such, the Committee was then mandated to select another group.
This has since been done and the group was written to and a response is yet to be received. By virtue of Article 210 of the Constitution of Guyana, the Police Service Commission ought to consist of a chairman appointed by the President, after “meaningful consultation with the leader of the opposition” from among members appointed by the President. Additionally, the Chairman of the Public Service Commission, and four members appointed by the President upon nomination by the National Assembly after it has consulted with bodies which appear to represent the majority of members of the Police Force and any such body it deems fit.
In the case of the appointment of a police commissioner, Article 211 of the Constitution of Guyana states that the commissioner of police and every deputy commissioner of police shall be appointed by the President after meaningful consultation with the leader of the opposition and the chairperson of the Police Service Commission, after that person would have consulted with the other members of the Commission.
It should be noted that there are no deputy police commissioners, but the Force has a number of assistant police commissioners. Subsection Two of the said article speaks to the vacancy of the post of police commissioner, and notes that in the absence of a police commissioner, someone may be appointed to act in that office and that person shall continue to act until a person has been appointed to that office and has assumed the functions thereof.