Living With Intention Motivational Tour commenced in my hometown, Bartica

WHEN I decided to do the Living with Intention Motivational Tour, I knew it would be in my hometown Bartica. I would never trade the experience of visiting my two old schools. It was great seeing Cecilia Joseph English who is the headmistress of St John the Baptist Primary.

She has been an educator for close to 40 years. I invited my friend for over 35 years, Collette McKenzie, to accompany me to our old school. I may be a bit biased but I swear Bartica has the most beautiful kids in the country and I may even go further to say, people!

I interacted with the kids for an hour which was so inspiring. I asked some of them to introduce themselves and encouraged them to be confident and value the investment of their parents.

I shared some of my stories attending that school. I told them I sold plantain chips, sugar cake, fudge, etc. to assist my mom financially. I asked the question ‘Which one of you woke up this morning and made something to sell at school?’ But no one raised their hands. I received so many tight hugs and during our interaction, I learned that I taught some of their parents in school.

Our second stop was a visit to the Mayor’s office where I met Mr. Gifford Marshall and Town Clerk, Phebe Thomas. They were super happy to see me and both received their autographed copy of Living With Intention. We always have meaningful discussions and the content of this conversation was filled with intention.

“This book is very timely for this community of Bartica and I encourage everyone to acquire a copy. We are focusing on a major development in Bartica and it is beyond the physical. The human resource is a significant factor in this and the youth population is the focus. Thank you for coming home first,” Mayor Gifford Marshall said.
I visited my school friend Emily Ramdass who owns a supermarket and who supported the book and pre-ordered books for her staff.

Bartica Secondary was next on the schedule. Teachers Carmel Smith and Deon Persaud enthusiastically welcomed us. Sophia Adams, who was one of my best friends in that school, joined me. We were laughing so much as we walked around the school reminiscing and talking about the late HM Robinson and the teachers.

During my presentation, I could tell they were captivated and their reviews confirmed that. I had a one on one with a few students after and they wanted to know if I can come every week to encourage them to make better choices.

A quote came to mind as I departed the schools in which I spent most of my teenage years: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men” Frederick Douglas.
We all owe it to society to contribute in any way we can.

The evening I had a book signing at Prophetic Anointed Ministries for persons who pre-ordered LIVING WITH INTENTION. It was great. Flora Isaacs whom I knew as a young girl living in Bartica but who migrated to the US decades ago was there. She would always express on social media how proud she is of me and she was elated to have her copy of the book.

The Mayor had invited me to be a part of the programme for the 10th anniversary of the Bartica Massacre. I got emotional seeing the lone survivor, Mr White, in a wheelchair. He is someone I knew for years.

He was so full of life before this unfortunate incident happened. We will continue to stand strong and united as Barticians. We will also be vigilant to prevent such atrocities in the future. May we say the words of our motto and mean it. We pray God continue to bless the people of Guyana.

I must thank some persons for assisting to make this trip possible: Integrated Security Services, Rockville Hotel, Blinds R US and Collin Joseph for documenting my trip.
The tour may lead me in your area next. I trust you all enjoyed your Republic celebration.

If you would like the tour to come to your area send an email to

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