Honey offers budding apiarists golden opportunity
Participants learn during a training session how to safely remove honey from hives
Participants learn during a training session how to safely remove honey from hives

–to start their own businesses

THERE’S a new buzz in Guyana, which could help the government attain its development goals, and at the same time give entrepreneurship an unexpected fillip.

Known in agricultural circles for its sugar and rice, Guyana, with the help of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), is now gearing to add honey to the list of products, and in the process provide a sustainable pathway out of poverty for Guyanese.

Having just wrapped up five days of intensive training in apiculture, 25 budding beekeepers, some of them youths, some women, have charged into the new year, eager about their prospects of launching into business for the first time, and excited as well about the financial independence the industry can bring them.

Sharon Butts, left, returns from the apiary with other workshop participants after a honey extraction exercise

“I’ve always wanted to pursue an avenue that can help to supplement my family income, but was constrained by the lack of jobs in the area, having children to look after, and not having a skill I can utilise at home to earn,” said Sharon Butts, an unemployed, stay-at-home mother who participated in the workshop.

The course, she said, opened her eyes to the fact that she can use the land owned by her family to earn a living. Now Sharon has big plans for using her new-found skill, including establishing a small apiary.

“I will also work along with others who trained from my area to start a small beekeeping group and a honey house to be used for processing,” she said. “It is my dream to grow from a small apiary, to one my family and I can eventually develop and pass on for generations to come.”

A young workshop participant samples fresh honey from a hive

But, why honey? Easy; Guyana’s apicultural industry is currently producing 11,300 gallons of the golden nectar annually, and by-products such as beeswax, pollen and royal jelly also contribute to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Demand is, however, greater than supply, which means that Guyana has had to import over 4,000 gallons of honey from markets such as Jamaica and the United States each year to make up for the shortfall.

But, imported honey is expensive, retailing at almost US$1.00 more per bottle than the locally-produced one. The solution, officials found, was to train more beekeepers.
According to Caribbean Technological Consultancy Services’ (CTCS) Eusi Evelyn, “After eight years of growth, commodity prices collapsed for our major exports. But agriculture and natural resources remain significant sources of economic activity, and we are seeking alternative exports, honey being one, that not only grow GDP, but also adhere to our country’s Low-Carbon Development Strategy, which promotes the vision of producing economic development while addressing climate change.”

The project at reference aligns with CDB’s commitment to enhancing the managerial, technical and operational capacity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Bank’s Borrowing Member Countries.
CTCS funded the workshop, which targeted vulnerable groups at risk for lower participation in available economic activities, including Amerindian communities, youth, women and people with disabilities.

“The technical assistance support CTCS provided is particularly worthwhile, given that beekeeping can be undertaken by the landless, requires limited infrastructure, and is an attractive venture for unemployed people,” said Lisa Harding, MSME Coordinator, Technical Cooperation Division, CDB. “There is also great nutritional value in beehive products, and the potential for sustaining biodiversity, resulting in environmental stability, is far-reaching,” she said. “The training activities will also position some MSMEs to transition from small-scale operations to large volume production, and take advantage of export opportunities when they arise.”

CTCS facilitates the transfer of knowledge and skills within the private sector by linking people who have business and technical experience with businesses that need consulting advice and assistance. Some technical and marketing skills required for managing an apiary, and taught during the sessions included: fundamentals of starting an apiary, types of bee hives, conditions under which honey bee colonies thrive, harvesting techniques, and packaging and labeling techniques.


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