May–June rains expected to be above normal

THE May–June rainy season in Guyana has commenced and rainfall throughout this period is expected to be above normal, Chief Hydrometeorological Officer Dr Garvin Cummings has said.
He is advising that the necessary precautionary measures be taken. According to a Government Information Agency (GINA) release, above-normal rainfall can result in severe flooding along the coast, affecting major economic activities, especially in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five and Six. However, Cummings indicated that even though the rainy period will be extended to the end of July, there is not a specific time frame for above-normal precipitation.

“We don’t have specific dates per say in terms of what days might have extreme rainfall that would require continuous monitoring, which the National Weather Watch does. Based on this mandate however, what we are expecting for this rainfall season is above-normal rainfall, which means that the rainfall quantities that we are expecting are above the long-term average or the 30-year average, so we are expecting a wet season or more above-average in terms of the amount of rainfall that we would have,” Dr Cummings said.

The necessary stakeholders, including the Ministries of Public Health and Public Infrastructure, as well as the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) have been furnished with the necessary data and information needed to effectively address flooding. The information is provided, and it is left up to the relevant authorities to make the necessary interventions.
“On Friday (April 28), we held the National Climate Outlook Forum where we shared our seasonal forecast with our major stakeholders across the country, so I believe all stakeholders are up-to-date with regard to what we are expecting for the rainfall season this year,” Dr Cummings added.

The Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture is mandated to observe, archive and understand Guyana’s weather and climate patterns, and to provide meteorological and hydrological services in support of Guyana’s national needs and international obligations. The department will continue to monitor weather patterns and disseminate information to the public as required.


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