GPSU rails against abuse of women, girls

ON THE occasion of the International Women’s Day, the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) has saluted the contributions of women here while calling on them to redouble their efforts to help fight off abuse of women and girls.

“On behalf of the Executive Council and general membership of the Guyana Public Service Union I feel very privileged to pay tribute to our nation’s women as well as women worldwide for their invaluable contributions to every aspect of society which on many occasions were done with great personal sacrifice,” President of the GPSU, Patrick Yarde said in a statement.
In endorsing this year’s theme: ‘#BeBoldForChange’ Yarde said ” I especially want to recognise and salute those women who are entrusted with the care and nurturing of our girls’ education and training, both morally and mentally, helping them to become better women in today’s society and in the future.

Women have always been in the forefront of struggles for betterment, caring and providing for their families often times to the detriment and neglect of themselves. Many of them are in the now familiar role of single parenthood, playing their traditional role of mother while undertaking manly responsibilities in the absence of a male figure in the home.”

“We must commend our women who work in the health services, public services, teaching services, security services, rice, sugar, gold, bauxite and timber industries. The Union salutes all of those women who are employed in the food, beverage and hospitality industries; who satisfy our needs in the many municipal markets across the country; and who choose to remain at home to raise the up-coming labour force and the next generation of leaders.

Nevertheless the sad realities of our time is that women continue to bear the greater share of inequality in every corner of the world and in Guyana as most of the labour force is employed in lower paying jobs. I take this opportunity to call on society to collectively undertake the challenge to eradicate these deficiencies,” the GPSU head said.

According to Yarde the scourge of abuse and violence, especially domestic violence, against girls and women in Guyana is utterly disgusting; “it’s sickening and repulsive and has become, frighteningly so, somewhat of an accepted norm. This abnormal and demoralising behaviour, which has, in far too many cases, resulted in our daughters, sisters, mothers or other female relatives or acquaintances losing their lives to bouts of insanity, must stop,” Yarde declared. He said his union vehemently condemns these atrocities, which ultimately robs families and societies of nurturing hands.

“We need to rediscover and re-commit to the values that bound us as a community, becoming each other’s keeper once again and adopting the principle of loving our neighbours as ourselves. To bring focus on the eradication of this undesirable situation the GPSU has been in the vanguard of creating an environment that encourages women to empower themselves, to excel in every sphere of endeavour, and to attain heights and success that were beyond their forbearers.”

According to Yarde the accomplishments have been many and the Union is proud of the role it has played in facilitating the achievement of their goals and realization of their dreams. We are, therefore, steadfast in our belief that growth and change can only come with increased awareness, participation and engagement. As a consequence, the Union is calling on all girls and women to lead in this effort. “To you our women, we, the Executive and Members of the Guyana Public Service Union say heartfelt thanks for your contributions to this nation. We owe you an enormous debt of gratitude.”


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