Parents should be checking on their children

Dear Editor,

LATELY, a lot of videos have been surfacing on social media with schoolchildren involved in sexual activity. The videos are clear with their faces, mostly of the girls and in their uniforms.It is disturbing, because everyone is just talking and forwarding to the next person.

These children are involved in oral, anal and vaginal sex and one video saw one girl looking as though she was under the influence of something.

They are also engaged in unprotected sex. These girls are having sex with school- boys and even out-of-school youths. They are doing it in and out of school. They do not seem to care about pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

I am calling on parents, teachers, school welfare, the Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Social Protection to step in and get these children back on track.

Is sex education part of the school curriculum? Are parents speaking to their children about puberty, hormones, sex? Are they speaking to them about condoms? Are they showing them videos of people infected with STDs?

Parents need to start checking their children’s phones and taking them for medical check-ups.

Security guards or different teachers need to start walking around the school after hours to see what is taking place. These children who are going to lessons until late at night, how sure are parents that these children are doing so.

It is disturbing. It is hurtful. It is shameful.

I do not mean to shame any school, but it can be happening in all schools. Are we raising a generation of porn stars? When will the ministry intervene? What are these parents doing? What is wrong with this young generation? And we ask why they are not doing well in school and blame the teachers. No, it’s not the teachers. These children are focusing on the wrong issues and are so consumed with sex that nothing else seems important.

Our young people need help and they need it now!

Yours sincerely,
Nevica P Wray

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