With the Municipal elections to be held in New Amsterdam on December 14, Residents of New Amsterdam express their view on the current services of the Municipal Council.

Ramesh Maraj- Former President of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce.
Ramesh Maraj- Former President of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce.

I wish to compliment the Mayor and Councilors for the various initiatives however, they need more assistance with respect to construction. There is need for an engineer to see that building codes are adhered to. Further, the Public Health Department needs to be strengthened as dumping continues around the township.

[The Municipality Constabulary] needs to know their roles and responsibilities. Persons can be seen urinating all over the place. Indecent language is expressed freely with no thought of the nearby listener. There is also loud music emanating from homes, corner shops and moving vehicles. Loud music can also be heard in the vicinity of learning institutions. There is also need for speed bumps along the town’s road, and they need to be maintained regularly.

Claudette Watts -Entrepreneur

Claudette Watts -Entrepreneur
Claudette Watts -Entrepreneur

I am satisfied with the work of the Council as they have done a lot of cleaning since acceding to office over eight months ago. However, they seem to face a herculean task in addressing the garbage. Sometimes they pick up once per month. They need to address the cleaning of the interlocked drains which should be done on a regular basis.
I know, the council has constraints and I see they are trying, but still there is a lot more to be done.

Mohammed Ali -Hire car driver
Mohammed Ali -Hire car driver

Mohammed Ali -Hire car driver
Basically, I have a few points which are bothering me with regard to the general welfare of the citizens of the town of New Amsterdam. First of all I want to point out to the Municipal Council that they should follow the noble philosophy of His Excellency President Granger in having a clean and green town and country at large. It’s a noble philosophy and I support it, as it promotes good health.

In this town, there are many places which are unoccupied, that have unsightly overgrowth of bushes. This has been an age long issue. I cannot understand the reasons for those running this town to overlook this situation which can lead to the spread to vector borne diseases. I would like to ask the Council to look at this sore issue. paul-austin

Further, it is observed that there is vending on the council’s reserve, even while the market is still open for business. I can understand that when the market is closed special permission can be given for one to vend on the reserve, after which the person must be responsible for cleaning the surroundings. Vending on the council reserve during the official market opening hours is unfair for those who have businesses within the market, as most items sold on the reserve are being sold in the market.

Another issue is Pitt Street, the main commercial thoroughfare in the town. And I tell you, as soon as the rain drizzles, the street is flooded. If one looks at both sides of the pavement of Pitt Street, one can see it is encumbered by sellers. And this has been permitted for far too long. It seems as though no one is interested in remedying the situation. The concrete drains cannot be accessed to be cleaned because of the sellers. The clogging of the drains also contributes to the flooding during the rainfall period.

Paul Austin – Chauffeur
I know that the Council has limited resources but I see this council operating at its best by cleaning the town. I am satisfied with works undertaken around the town. Previously, if a bottle is thrown, one will have a difficult task identifying that bottle because there was so much garbage, but now, I am afraid to throw a plastic bottle . Currently, there are huge bins placed at strategic points where garbage can be disposed properly in the central area and yet there are instances where persons throw items outside the bins. Some persons in New Amsterdam need to be educated with respect to the consequences of poor garbage disposal. Some are still littering around the place. I believe it’s a habit. But the Mayor and the councilors are trying their best to improve the township.


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