Taxi driver still critical

TAXI driver Leroy Anthony Blair, who was shot during what appeared to be a carjacking/robbery at D’urban Backlands on Wednesday morning when he dropped off a passenger, remains in a critical condition at GPHC in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) up to press time.

He underwent a surgical operation on Wednesday after which he was unresponsive, as such police are waiting to conduct an interview to ascertain what happened.

Police said they have launched a probe in the alleged shooting of Blair, a hire car driver of Lot 528 Block X, Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara at about 06:30hrs in D’urban Backlands, by a gunman.

Blair was shot to the left side of his chest and was taken to the hospital by public spirited citizens.

His condition was being monitored up to press time.


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