Dear Editor,
Over the past several months I have penned several missives as to the future of the Guyana Sugar Cooperation. It is sad that some saw my articles as an attack on the corporation and on some workers. But I know it’s real and about the true things happening in the industry.Over the past two weeks GuySuCo has been making all forms of news in the print or digital media. We have also heard that GuySuCo presented a report to Cabinet and the Cabinet has put together a very competent team to study that report. The team will have to come up with a few alternatives after their study on the report. Some of the alternatives were mentioned by the Minister of State Hon. Joseph Harmon during a press conference.
I am very saddened to hear some of the options, but we have to face reality, we cannot run from it. The President was also right when he said that “Maintaining GuySuCo is depriving many other sectors”. Too much of money is being put into an entity that cannot make a profit and has over $80B in debt. Much can happen with the amount of money being pumped into this failing industry. Something must be done to save the workers and the industry.
While many of the workers are fighting for work, GuySuCo is fighting to survive. Closing down the entire industry will see almost 18,000 workers losing their jobs. It will see families starving and less children being educated. But workers need to ask themselves, where is the industry going? will it survive for two more years?. If not, what are their plans for survival? How will they maintain their families?; what can GuySuCo and GoG do something so that they cannot lose their jobs and maintain their families?.
We all know that if the industry closes its doors many will suffer. But, I don’t think that the government wants to go that way and create hardship for our people. So we the people, the workers and Government must work hand in hand to safeguard the industry. GuySuCo, and I am straight with this, needs to do restructuring of the estates. I do not believe that all the estates should be operating. The cost for operation is too high. In Berbice instead of having four factories, just have two-Albion in Region 6 and Blairmont in Region 5. While one in Region 4 and one in Region 3 can be operating.
Albion has the capability of taking the canes from Skeldon and Rose Hall Canje. Blairmont also has the capability to take canes from Rose Hall Canje Estate. By doing this it will cut the cost tremendously. This can see GuySuCo turning around because billions will be saved. While this is being done, government can start a diversification programme within the industry so that workers will not lose their jobs. GuySuCo can utilise some of its lands for this process. They can even offer workers to become private cane farmers by providing them with lands to plant canes and supply the corporation.
Diversification is not something new within industries especially in agriculture. There is so much that we can have here in Guyana when it comes to diversification within GuySuCo. We can have several other industries that can be of quality and making profits, while maintaining and sustaining themselves.
We can do cattle rearing\meat processing. We can use this initiative to have a modernised meat industry and to produce for local and international consumption\markets. Government will have to put various processing mills in place and to educate our people as to how it’s being done to international standard, so that they themselves can earn more. Our meats can be on the international market by having corned beef, pickle pork, ham, corn mutton, etc. We can also start a milk processing plant and bottle our milk for local and international consumption.
During this process GuySuCo can utilise lands and start an aquaculture\fish farm. This will also create employment and provide various types of fishes for local and international markets. Guysuco can also ask workers to privately invest into this. This will see revenues coming into the coffers of Guysuco.
Also during this diversification process, lands can be used for planting of various agricultural crops and farming. Example, we can have processing and packaging factories, whereby we will see Guyana producing bread fruit, plantain, potato, cassava chips, etc. We can have various juices such as cherry, Guava, pine apple, cane, etc being properly preserved and sell on the local and international markets.
We can have lots of other agricultural things that we can do towards ensuring that our people is being cared for and that they will not suffer. These industries under the diversification will see the blooming of the agriculture sector. We will become the food basket of the Caribbean once more.
If this is to happen and oil started to flow, the economy will bloom and we will be on top of the Caribbean. Which, I know that the opposition does not want, because they lack of vision for a better Guyana. But for this to happen Government, Guysuco, the workers and people need to work hand in hand. Systems will have to be put in place. People will have to study the various sectors in ensuring things are being done accordingly.
By doing this it will maintain and create jobs. It will not allow our children to feel as if cane cutting is the only thing available for them. It will secure our livelihood by ensuring that we have food on our tables, bills being paid and savings happen.
But I know that the opposition may want to lash out at this. Well they lashing out on everything that is positive for Guyana, so it won’t be a surprise to me. But workers need to ask themselves whether they are ready for this or they want GuySuCo to close down. They can choose to have the industry close down its doors or to work in ensuring that diversification is the way. Some may not want it, some may leave the job and yes some will have to go. But workers need to ask, are they looking at those that will left the job, and leave, or stay and work towards a better livelihood?.
I don’t think this caring government will want to see the workers and their families suffer. I don’t think this administration wants to close the doors of GuySuCo. What I do know is that there are options available and I know that this government will do all that it can, in ensuring that all options is being explore. Workers need to work hand in hand with the GoG and GuySuCo in ensuring that there are better days ahead. Now is the time for all to work together in ensuring that we have a better Guyana. Guyana belongs to all of us, so please don’t let politicians divert you from being a part of the decision making and future of Guysuco. Diversification is the way. I call on the GoG to explore these options, so that we can have a blooming agriculture sector and a better life.
Abel Seetaram
Regional Councilor
Region 5
GuySuCo should be restructured not closed