Small contractors will have piece of the pie in Region 5

– New REO

SMALL contractors can rest assured that they will get employment when work is to be done in Region 5 (Mahaica/Berbice), despite their not having big machines or expensive equipment. “You may not be able to properly fill up a tender document, or you may not have heavy-duty tools, but we will not leave you out. We in Region 5 will make sure that we give you employment in keeping with your capabilities,” pledged Region Five’s newly appointed Regional Executive Officer, Ovid Morrison, when he met last Friday with most of the contractors who work within the Region.

The meeting, held in the boardroom of the Region Five Democratic Council (RDC) at Fort Wellington, West Coast Berbice, has been described as a “getting to know you” gathering, in which the contractors not only listened to the expectations of Morrison and his team from the Administration, but also raised their concerns.

Some participants at the meeting disclosed that they were newcomers at such a forum. They said they had the skills but no previous experience as contractors, but were interested in acquiring employment through this means. Morrison and his team assured that they can visit the Regional Head Office at any time to be briefed on how they can go about getting contracts for works being awarded by the RDC.

He said he and his team would work to provide a level playing field for all who wish to provide services to the regional administration, even as he urged the contractors to ensure they provide quality service in the communities in which they would work.

He stressed that his secretariat would take a no-nonsense attitude to proven allegations of bribes being offered or taken for the awarding of contracts within Region Five.

“We find anyone being involved in corrupt behaviour and we will blacklist them from working within the Region, and if possible further afield,” he said.

Morrison has recently replaced the former REO of Region 5, Roderick Edinboro, who has been transferred to Region 7 (Cuyuni/Mazaruni) in a similar capacity.


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