Kaieteur jumper was victim of depression — search for body continues
A member of the search party deployed on Sunday to locate Pagwah, who jumped off Kaieteur Falls on Saturday (Gerry Gouveia photo)
A member of the search party deployed on Sunday to locate Pagwah, who jumped off Kaieteur Falls on Saturday (Gerry Gouveia photo)

ROSHINEE Pagwah, the 21-year-old Berbician who plunged to her death at the mighty Kaieteur Falls last Saturday had complained on social media that “there is nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.”The Reliance Abandon resident who was an only child of her parents leaped over the 741-foot falls around 11:00 hrs, during an expedition. Persons who were present at the time of her leap revealed that she appeared very reserved but showed no signs of impending doom.
When the team had concluded their sightseeing and were heading back to the trail, Pagwah made an about turn, sprinted to the ledge of the Kaieteur National Park and flung her body over the rapids.
While there has been no definitive conclusion as to what may have been the cause of this devastating act by the 21-year old, speculation regarding her social and emotional life continues to mount.
Just recently Pagwah had posted a photo on popular social media – Instagram – which bore the caption: “There is nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.”
According to a source close to the family, who requested anonymity, the young lady did have it all. In fact, the source told this newspaper that Pagwah was never in need of anything and shared a very close relationship with her mother.
“There was no problem between them. They don’t have problems at home,” the source said.
However, reports reaching this publication on Saturday suggested that the woman might have been suffering emotionally as a result of her ex-boyfriend’s death, five years ago. The young man committed suicide.
The two allegedly shared a rocky relationship which she reportedly ended. This was purported to have triggered his action to end his life by consuming a poisonous substance. Pagwah was reportedly the last person he spoke with before committing dreadful act.
A post on her Facebook page on October 27, 2015 read: “Today is gonna be five years now that ur gone & I swear not a day goes by that I don’t think of u & miss u…u would never know how sorry I am up to this very day.”
When questioned about whether complications in a relationship could have been the cause of her death, the source close to the family could not say anything definitive.
The source also revealed that Pagwah lived with her mother and an aunt in the same house and was a former employee of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL). Her mother, ‘Indro’, was a single parent since her father had abandoned them when she was only two months old. The mother is currently unemployed.
“People can speculate and say what they want to; nobody can stop that. But people who know her know that she was a jolly person and not a fighting person. She gets everything she wants from her mother,” the source said.
Deeply hurt
The source also related that the mother is currently in an unstable state as she cannot come to grips with her daughter’s death. “Whole day she crying and holding the album and watching pictures of them.”
The young lady who was a former student of the New Amsterdam Multilateral School had told her aunt on the day of her demise that she was travelling to Georgetown to assist a friend in clearing a barrel. According to a report, the aunt said she did not know who the friend was.
Subsequently, Pagwah made her way to Roraima Airways office in Bel Air, where she boarded the bus. The tragic episode of her leaping to her death occurred about 11:00 hrs, even as her aunt was anticipating her return by midday as she had promised.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said police in their search yesterday found no sign of the body.
This incident comes just two months after a Durban Backlands woman, Gyaneshwarie Sivanand, ended her life in similar fashion, reportedly due to relationship issues. Six years earlier, another woman had done the same. These incidents have led to calls for fencing of the area.

By Ravin Singh



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