No bail for bus conductor

BUS conductor Euchand Frank of Lot 39 Cross Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown appeared on Tuesday before city magistrate Dylan Bess, accused of robbing at knife-point police constable Hubert Collins of a DL 900 Digicel cellphone worth $30,000 along with $10,000 in cash.The 28-year-old Frank stood shackled before the magistrate with a stern look on his face as the charge of robbery under arms was read to him.
This charge alleges that on October 14, at Hadfield Street, Georgetown, while being in the company of another and armed with a knife, Frank robbed the policeman.

Prosecutor corporal Deniro Jones requested that the Administration of Justice Act be applied, and Frank pleaded guilty to the charge.

Court statements detailed that the constable was on foot patrol attired in civilian clothes, at about 20:00 hr on the day in question, when he was confronted by Frank and another, who rode up behind him on a pedal cycle.

Frank allegedly placed a knife to the constable’s neck, and demanded the articles before making good his escape. Collins raised an alarm and radioed for backup, and quick response managed to apprehend the suspect, in whose possession the stolen items were found, while Frank’s accomplice managed to elude the cops.

Given opportunity to speak, Frank said: “Yes, I went deh when the man phone get snatch, but I didn’t thief the phone. It was meh padna who did it; plus meh nah had no knife pon meh”. Based upon this explanation, Magistrate Bess recorded a not guilty plea on Frank’s behalf.

Nevertheless, police prosecutor Corporal Shawn Gonzales objected to Frank being granted his pretrial liberty on ground of the seriousness and prevalence of such offences in today’s society. Magistrate Bess, unconvinced by Frank’s alibi, ruled in the prosecution’s favour, and bail was refused. The matter has been adjourned until November 24 for statements.


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