City police seek ideas to craft Christmas anti-crime plan
Commander Hicken interacts with a pavement vendor along Regent Street
Commander Hicken interacts with a pavement vendor along Regent Street

Police in Georgetown on Tuesday conducted a walkabout along Regent Street as part of an initiative to gather information from the business community to help craft a security plan for the Christmas holidays.

The A  high command interacts with a store owner
The A high command interacts with a store owner

Commander of ‘A’ Division, Clifton Hicken was accompanied on the visit by his Deputy Senior Superintendent Ian Amsterdam, Divisional Detective Huge Jessemy, Traffic Inspector Lane, and other senior officers of the division.
Police every year in December would roll out a Christmas security plan, but this has been criticised over of the years as being weak and ineffective. Tuesday’s walkabout according to Hicken who spoke with this publication allowed his team to hear from the members of the business community including pavement vendors of what forms of security arrangements they would like to see. He said the division is now in a better position to tailor its Christmas Security Policing arrangements to meet the needs of the people.
Focus was placed on the availability of CCTV systems at business premises, physical security reinforcement and plan B initiatives in the event of security breaches or should their establishment be attacked by bandits especially those posing as customers. Outside of the Police ‘A’ Division the other police divisional commanders and their senior staff would usually present their security arrangements for the Christmas period in their respective divisions. Those presentations are mostly done in the presence of the members of the business community and other stakeholders.


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