Barticians upturn karaoke field at Princess Star showdown – Dameon Apple leaps from rear to claim second spot
Georgetown’s Lashaun Charles continues to maintain the lead in the competition
Georgetown’s Lashaun Charles continues to maintain the lead in the competition

IT was a vocal thunderstorm last Saturday when some twenty-five singers battled at Princess Hotel’s Club Next for top spots in the ‘Princess Star Karaoke Competition’.In round one in the competition the Georgetown singers were on top since most of them had made it successfully into the ranking reserved for the top ten best performers.
Last Saturday, however, Bartica hopeful Dameon Apple shocked the judges by showcasing a standout performance with scintillating melody that had the audience roaring in delight. When the results were handed in, this performer had leapt from number eleven to number two in the competition.
His fellow Bartician, Sylene Griffith also worked up a frenzy as she performed ‘Fire to the Rain’ by Adele. She jumped from number seven in the competition to the number three spot. She delivered a provocative performance that had superb vocals and a tantalising sizzle to lock in the number three position.
However, Georgetown’s Lashaun Charles continues to maintain the lead even from the auditions. Last Saturday it was a fiery showcase as she belted out screeching notes at alarming heights, causing the audience to explode in thunderous applause.
Georgetown’s Aaliyah Maria Rushuevelle maintained her exciting presence, singing her way into the fourth position.
Iodele Gilbert was a ‘vixen suga momma’ on stage as she performed ‘Hallo’ by Beyonce. This ‘curvy sista’ unleashed her tantalising vocals and matched it with saucy moves and much charisma to seal the deal. She certainly set the crowd on fire when she finished her song with the sizzling kiss she shared with her male counterpart on stage.
Gino Fullington representing for the hip-hop group, ‘Young Dellas’ totally surprised everyone by unsheathing his talents to blast the forum like a champion. He literally brought the judges to their feet and the audience whopped in delight. This performer has now moved from sixteenth place to sixth place.
Petal France is a very consistent contestant and showcased quite nicely to move from number twelve in the first round to number seven. Marriot Hotel’s Oquela Jones totally disappointed his fans as he started his song quite nicely and went off key for most of what followed. Nevertheless, the judges placed him at eight place.
Crowd favourite Sharon Martin has moved from among the top ten at round one to number nine last week. DJ Mongo Slade and Junior Corbin both raked in the final spot in the top ten performers.
Blind performer ‘Gillian’ totally moved the judges with her soulful rendition to nab the eleventh available spot. Following hot on her heels was hip-hop performer, Kevin Scott. Georgetown’s Sharon Jacob took the thirteenth spot.
‘Julian’ and ‘Rafielle’ from the hip-hop squad followed in the fourteenth and fifteenth spots respectively.
Marriot Hotel’s Lisa Walcott is a very good singer but the judges felt that she would have to learn to control her vocals and watch those pitches. She performed ‘Titanium’ but three judges felt that she screamed almost throughout the entire performance. She secured the sixteenth position as Sean Williams copped the next available spot.
Victoria’s Michael Spencer has lots of work to do to remain in the competition as judges felt his last performance was a bit vague and his backup dancers listless. He for some reason backed the judges for more than half of his presentations, thereby affecting his scores. He will certainly have to watch his song choices also. Nevertheless, he managed to rake in the final spot for those moving to the third round slated for Saturday, July 04, 2015 at the same location.
The first ‘Wildcard Performer’ Sandra King now has a chance to impress the judges as they felt she has the potential to make an impression.
Amanda Khanai of Georgetown, who was ill, will also be allowed to perform at the third round.

New Changes
The third leg of the contest is dubbed ‘Boot Camp Week’, meaning that judges will be given two supreme powers, being able to ‘fast track’ a contestant two rounds ahead. The other is a ‘Life Line Power’ to overrule all negative votes by other judges to give the contestant a last straw to impress them.
Other privileges by the judges will be announced weekly as the competition continues. Join us each Saturday inside Club Next at Princess International Hotel to share in the excitement of this competition.

By Alex Wayne


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