Ten tips on Breakup Etiquette


AFTER entering a relationship with high hopes, having your heart broken is the hardest thing you can experience; and it happens to even the best of us!

Nevertheless, your breakup etiquette shows what you are truly made of in what happens after the hard part.

Here are 10 tips you should practise when faced with a situation as detailed above.

1. BE NICE: Be the sweet person you were before the relationship by keeping your anger under wraps. You’ll get through the difficult times much easier as you practise being polite, and eventually it will seem natural.break-2

2. GET BUSY: While it’s alright to mope and wallow in self-pity for a day or two, get busy after that doing something productive. Make your time even more useful by taking up a cause. You just might find a better match if you’re performing acts of kindness and generosity.

3. CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS: It’s practically impossible to keep all the friends you had while you were a couple. The general rule of thumb is to leave with the friends you came with, and any you made while together will naturally gravitate to the one with whom they have the most in common.

If some friends you like may be in an awkward position, then take the high road and maintain your distance.

4. AVOID GOSSIP: Although it’s tempting to trash the other person when asked what happened, it’s always best to take the high road. Just smile and say it’s a personal matter, and change the subject.

Gossiping might make you feel better for…oh, say, about five minutes; but, after that, you’ll know it was the wrong thing to do, and you’re likely to be even more miserable.

5. SHUN REVENGE: Like gossip, getting revenge sounds sweet after being scorned. However, it is a terrible thing to do, and it could get you into trouble.
Friends and prospective romantic interests might see this as a sign of emotional instability in you.

If you’re tempted to get revenge on your ex, step back, take a few deep breaths, and develop a philosophy about kissing frogs. You just haven’t found your prince or princess yet.

6. NOT A CHANCE: Acting desperate by running to your ex and begging for another chance will cause others (possibly including your ex) to pity you, and you don’t want to come across as pitiable, do you?

Face the fact that it’s time to move on. Whatever caused the breakup is still there, and all the extra chances in the world won’t make things any different.

7. SOCIAL MEDIA: If you follow each other on social media, stop doing so. Continuing to be connected through Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and other social venues will only prolong the pain. Give the breakup at least a year before you decide whether or not to reconnect, and only do so if you have become friends.
8. NO PERMANENT PHYSICAL CHANGES: The last thing you need to do when you’re in this state of mind is run out and get a tattoo, or take a drastic haircut! Give yourself some time to heal before making any permanent changes.

However, if there is something you’ve been contemplating for a while, a breakup might be the extra push you need.

9. EX SIGHTING: When you see your ex out with someone else, do your best to avoid a confrontation. If you can’t prevent a close encounter, smile and say, “Hi,” and get as far away as possible. Don’t make an awkward situation even more uncomfortable, and don’t prolong the face-to-face.

10. KEEP LOOKING: It’s time to get out there and mix and mingle. Let your friends know that you’re single again. They might know some fabulous people they can introduce you to. Even if you don’t get romantically involved with any of them, it’s always nice to have more friends. However, be very careful of the urge to have rebound; try to take it slow.

Source http://etiquette.about.com/od/RelationshipEtiquette


By Raveena Mangal



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