Beauty and fashion tips from Raveena Mangal
HELLO everyone! This week features some amazing beauty and skin hacks for ‘things that we crave’.
These tips are all personally tried and true, so keep your mind open as you approach them, and don’t hesitate to incorporate these hacks into your routine.
Craving No. 1: Long Lashes: While some of us may opt for the falsies and others may double and triple-coat with our mascara, try using baby powder to lengthen your lashes. Yes, you read right.
To get crazy long lashes without any glue, apply one coat of your favourite mascara, then use a Q-tip to dust baby powder all over your lashes, and apply a second coat of mascara.
The baby powder will stick to your lashes to create natural extensions!
Craving No. 2: Shiny, Strong Hair: Before you dismiss this as utter madness, actress Blake Lively attests to this one. This cunning DIY trick makes hair very shiny. Since mayo is made with an oil base, mixed with an egg (adds strengthening proteins) or olive oil, it can work wonders!
To avoid a mess, try this method: Apply a cup of mayonnaise to dry, unwashed hair. Cover your head with a warm towel to help the mayonnaise penetrate, and leave it on for 20 minutes. Before you step into the shower, apply a heaping handful of shampoo to your hair. Don’t add any water yet; just massage it in thoroughly for several minutes. That will help break down the excess oil. Rinse with cool water in the shower and your hair will come out shiny and silky.
Craving No.3: Whiter Teeth: Now, who doesn’t want this? Invest in an inexpensive box of baking soda and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and you have got yourself your very own home whitening kit.
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with about 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide, then use it as toothpaste (use every other day) for a healthy set of pearly whites.
Craving No. 4: Smooth Skin: Persistence and prevention are the key! Instead of lathering on just cream at night, try mixing some petroleum jelly or coconut oil with it. For soft feet without the scrubbing, slather petroleum jelly all over your feet, slip on a pair of fluffy socks and then sleep. It also works as an excellent overnight moisturizer for your eyelashes and lips.
If you tend to get bumpy or irritated legs after shaving, do it at the end of your shower, when the water would have opened up your pores and the hair would be softer; and afterwards, moisturize with baby oil on your still wet skin, wiping off the excess.
Craving No.5: A Pretty Pout: sensuous fuller lips are all the rage now, but for those of us not blessed with those bad boys, we can still get the most of them.
When you’ve applied your lipstick, use a slightly darker tone to pat some (using your finger) unto the middle of your lips. The ombre effect gives the illusion of fuller lips.
This last one is very unusual, but it works! And it costs zero. Zilch. Nada.
Creating suction over your lips causes a massive rush of blood flow, creating sultry thoroughly-kissed pouty lips. How, you ask?
First, exfoliate your lips with either your toothbrush or a baby wipe, and apply some moisturizer. Then get a shot glass or a similar looking object, put the mouth of the shot glass firmly over your mouth, then slowly suck the air from the glass until you feel gentle suction.
Close and relax your lips (keeping the glass tight over your mouth to retain the suction) for about five seconds, and then release.