Future of Guyana, Guyanese people cannot be trusted to APNU+AFC –President Ramotar at biggest rally ever at Lusignan
President Donald Ramotar addresses the massive Lusignan rally last evening
President Donald Ramotar addresses the massive Lusignan rally last evening

A HARD-fought campaign marked by enthusiastic shows of support across the country for the ruling party must be tangibly translated into the presence of every eligible voter at the polls on Monday, May 11, according to President Donald Ramotar. Lusignan’s market tarmac, last evening, was the point where the “homestretch” appeals by the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic and its presidential candidate culminated.
“The PPP/C has campaigned on our record, because we have a record we can be proud of. We have a record of struggle for freedom for independence and for democracy….we fought tirelessly and relentlessly,” he said to a gathering of thousands.
Looking forward, Mr. Ramotar added, “Now we are ready to take our country higher…we are ready to attain the status of a developed country in this lifetime.”
The realisation of this goal is guided by the PPP/C plan, Guyana 2.0, which is touted as an interconnected plan – a development thrust that will ensure growth on all fronts, supported by infrastructural advances, which will in turn see the generation of wealth, which will then support efforts to advance better quality of living for the Guyanese people.
According to him, growth, job-creation, generation of wealth, the boosting of the manufacturing, tourism and Information Communication and Technology (ICT), among sectors, a focus on food and energy security are plans that will be bolstered by transformational infrastructural projects.
Among those listed are the Specialty Hospital, the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), bridges across the Corentyne and Demerara Rivers, a deep-water harbour at the mouth of the Berbice River and the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project. The traditional sectors of growth were also mentioned.
“When we win these elections, we will build Amaila….this is the direction we are going…this is where we are taking our country,” he stressed.
The PPP/C presidential candidate assured supporters that his party will continue to deliver for the Guyanese people and continue to build on its laudable track record. “Every promise we have kept,” he posited.

Success in the education, housing and health sectors, in particular, is evidence that the PPP/C has kept its promises to the people of Guyana.
“We believe the economy must serve the people, which is why 30 per cent of our budget goes to the social sectors,” he said.
Mr. Ramotar cited the fact that Guyanese students are topping Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) assessments, bringing home most of the regional awards; Guyana’s housing advances have become a regional model; and the level of service delivered by the public healthcare system has advanced to the stage where child heart surgeries are conducted.
“We have clear plans…Mr. Granger cannot hold up the record of the PNC (People’s National Congress) to ours,” he said.
The record and the plans of the PPP/C, the President charged, is being threatened by the alliance of A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), which has not done anything to advance the interests of the Guyanese people.
Budget cuts, blocked developmental projects and anti-national stances, according to him, are what have marked the three-year-old record of APNU+AFC in Parliament.
“They are the ones with the history of rigged elections….that is the history they have…they want to try to tell you to vote against the PPP/C, but every Guyanese has a right to vote the PPP/C because it was our policies that transformed their lives,” he said.

The presence of several international observers is welcome, President Ramotar said, who expressed confidence in a majority win for the PPP/C.
“When we win these elections, when we come to the place of polls, we must remember [the struggle],” he said.
The PPP/C presidential candidate urged the thousands to be wary of a return to the past.
“Progress, economic or any kind of progress, must be underpinned by freedom and democracy…they have been the ones, historically, raping our democracy and stifling our freedoms,” he said.
Mr. Ramotar made clear that the future of Guyana and the Guyanese people cannot be trusted with APNU+AFC – particularly if one were to look at the character of its leadership.
The flip-flopping by APNU+AFC on sugar, renewable energy and a number of other initiatives was also underscored by him.
“[Despite the Opposition] in every area of Guyana we can see the marked improvement in life. We establish framework, policies and guidelines [for progress],” he said.
Consequently, Mr. Ramotar reiterated that the Guyanese people must make their decision about the future of Guyana based on record, character and vision for the future.
“Help us deliver another PPP/C victory to take this country forward and ensure that progress continues…we brought our country out of an abyss…we did so by very hard work and we are proud of that fact,” Mr. Ramotar said.
He also expressed his appreciation for the support of the Guyanese people along this journey and along the 2015 elections campaign trail.
“We triumphed in 1992 and we must consolidate those successes,” the PPP/C presidential candidate said, “I ask you to be brave, be strong and go out early and put your ‘x’ next to the cup….over the years the PPP/C Government has stood by you and I ask you, on Monday, to stand with us, stand with me, and let us deliver the biggest victory for the PPP/C.”

‘I ask you to be brave, be strong and go out early and put your ‘x’ next to the cup….over the years the PPP/C Government has stood by you and I ask you, on Monday, to stand with us, stand with me, and let us deliver the biggest victory for the PPP/C.’ – President Donald Ramotar

By Vanessa Narine


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