Defiant PPP/C crowd rumbles ECD ahead of E-Day …leadership calls on supporters to protect 500 year struggle
President Donald Ramotar hoists a youngster amid the carnival atmosphere at Lusignan last evening
President Donald Ramotar hoists a youngster amid the carnival atmosphere at Lusignan last evening

THE Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) yesterday, a day after a pronouncement by the Opposition of a 62 per cent win tomorrow, responded with a massive show of support when Guyanese from all walks of life, colour and creed converged on the Lusignan tarmac on the East Coast Demerara yesterday for what many are calling the party’s largest gathering to date.Getting underway shortly after 16:00hrs, the programme was emceed by Attorney General Anil Nandlall, who declared that tomorrow, Guyanese will be voting to protect the collective gains made over 500 years of struggle.
He surmised that each of the races to have eventually settled in Guyana would have had to endure and eventually overcome some sort of struggle, be it slavery or indentureship. He spoke of a subsequent struggle led by the Late Cheddi Jagan, against colonialism before having to take on the dictatorship of the previous Peoples National Congress (PNC) administration.
Well ahead of the scheduled 15:00hrs start time, supporters began gathering, some arriving in contingents with signs on display, proudly illustrating which of the groups were endorsing the PPP/C ahead of tomorrow’s vote.
Red and yellow flags streamed above the Lusignan tarmac, which itself was transformed into a kaleidoscope of PPP/C colours and paraphernalia.
Fielding a number of younger candidates early in the programme, Nandlall told those gathered on the tarmac, who by this time were already whipped into a frenzy, that the party has no apologies for friends and families being associated with the party, as it is one big PPP family.
Introduced as one of the bright young minds of the party was Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Mahender Sharma, son of the leader of the Justice For All Party, CN Sharma, one of the parties under A Partnership For Unity (APNU) banner.
The younger Sharma immediately engaged the excited audience, continuing in song, “PPP/C is the party for me.” He testified for his vote solidly behind the incumbent. Given his experience in the energy sector, Sharma engaged the Lusignan gathering on the prospects of an oil find and more so the realisation of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Plant. The Opposition, he said, merely said no to everything, seemingly with the intention of putting persons on the breadline.
Next to take the podium was sister of Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn, Vanessa Benn, who took to a PPP/C stage for the first time in her life to tell Guyanese why she has always voted in support of the PPP/C. Her minutes in the sun were quickly overshadowed. As is becoming customary at PPP/C public functions across the country, the mere sight of Bharrat Jagdeo appearing on stage quickly ignited the growing crowd of supporters all screaming glibly, waving whatever is at hand reach. After Vanessa Benn wrapped her arguments in support of why Guyanese should vote PPP/C, supporters were treated to a poem by a Mabaruma youth before hearing from party Candidate Shyam Nokta, who said in a matter of hours, Guyanese will make a choice not on promises but on a track record. “We in the PPP have a track record we can be proud of,” he assured.
With drones whirring above the ever growing crowd, Nandlall cautioned supporters to ignore Opposition elements in their midst. He reminded of the actions of some Opposition elements saying party symbols have been torn down from across the East Coast. “We will not be distracted, we are resolute,” declared Nandlall before introducing party General Secretary, Clement Rohee, himself a crowd favourite
The PPP/C, according to Rohee, “is solid as a rock.” He spoke confidently of the PPP/C landslide victory but did warn of Opposition plots and plans to defeat the PPP/ by not adhering to the tenets of free and fair election.
“We are not going allow them to rob us of our victory.”
Introduced as the”architect of Guyana”, and the “undisputed champion of the earth”, Bharrat Jagdeo lambasted the Opposition actions over the past three years and told the Lusignan crowd, “We have to take back power.”
The charismatic public speaker, with the crowd hanging on to each word, continued, “We need to take back the majority in Parliament to allow (Donald) Ramotar to move the country forward.
Jagdeo was joined by Head of State, Donald Ramotar, and PPP/C Prime Ministerial Candidate Elisabeth Harper, to woo the thousands of supporters that came out for the final PPP/C rally ahead of tomorrow’s vote.
The PPP/C did not pull out the stops with large screen LCD screens erected on the tarmac alongside the massive public address system to ensure the message of the PPP/C leadership reached all within sight and earshot.
Vehicles streamed along the Lusignan public road intertwined with the throngs that spilled over onto the roadway, accommodating those that could not fit on the tarmac, providing seating for young and old paying attention to the final clarion call by the PPP/C leadership ahead of tomorrow’s vote.
By the end of last evening’s rally it was clear the incumbent would be no walkover tomorrow as the political parties vie to lead Guyana through the next five years.

By Gary Eleazar



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