THERE is a young professional engaged in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry, where she has distinguished herself for her competence. She is no other than Devika Samad-Ram, Programmer-cum-Analyst at Banks DIH Ltd.
This 22-year-old, who has held the post for the past two years, is responsible for software development, software testing, user document, business international queries, dashboard for business usage, design and analysis of software systems, and generating reports.

Having written ICT at the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) exams, Samad-Ram pursued a Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Guyana, and went on to attain a Degree with credit in the same field.
She told this publication that she never considered her job as a man’s preserve, since she was always interested in computers, even at CXC level; and knew she wanted a career in that field and so pursued it.
Samad-Ram said she found it very exciting and competitive, even at that stage, and decided that was the career she wanted in life, and so qualified herself accordingly.
The married mother of one said she does not label ICT as a man’s career, but anyone interested in pursuing a career in ICT should adopt the right attitude and determination. There is, at her workplace, no discrimination, even though most of her colleagues are male.
Samad-Ram said females can make an impact in ICT if there are systems in place. She opined that this does not currently happen because most females fear the forefront stance; but she said that can change in the determination to move forward, because, regardless of the challenges, the world of ICT is very exciting.
She described her job as a daily learning experience, and said it is a job that keeps her in tune with technology and the ‘know-how’ of her profession. Moreover, she said, she has to keep abreast with improvements in technology in order to stay on top of her game.
Her advice to those females who want a career in ICT is to ‘do it’. Set goals and work towards them, knowing that success is on the horizon and anything is possible. She said with that kind of mindset, there will be maximum achievement.
Samad-Ram explained that she does not want to be stuck at a first degree stage in Computer Science, and is working towards achieving her Masters; but since that is not offered locally, she plans to pursue studies overseas.
The part-time tutor at Global Technology said more girls and women need encouragement to take up ICT careers, and there is a need for UG to host more seminars that highlight the benefits derived from Computer Science studies.
The only other field Samad-Ram is willing to be engaged in is Business Management, and that as a worst-case scenario. She does not envisage changing her career at any time in the future.
‘International Girls in ICT Day’ is an initiative that was launched by members of the International Telecommunications Union at its 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference. The idea behind the launch was to create a global environment that would empower and encourage females to consider careers in the field of information and communications technology (ICT).
The day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every April.
This year, International Girls in ICT Day was observed on April 23, 2015.
The National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU), in collaboration with other stakeholders — including the Ministry of Education, the Guyana National Broadcasting Corporation, E-Government Unit, One Laptop Per Family, Digicel, Qualfon, GT&T, NT Computeac, the Brainstreet Group, Global Technology, Guyana Society for the Blind, and the University of Guyana — planned and organised several activities for the 2015 observance of this auspicious day.
By Michel Outridge