THE partly nude torso of a woman suspected to be of African ancestry was early yesterday morning discovered trapped between rocks in the vicinity of the Buxton/Annandale seashore, on the East Coast of Demerara.The body was discovered with its hands, head and feet missing, but by late yesterday afternoon the police were able to recover the head, feet and one of the hands respectively. Up to press time

they were still trying to locate the missing piece of the other hand.
This was the third such discovery within the last 12 days, the first being two Sundays ago when the remains of a man, later identified as a Kitty resident, was found on the Kitty foreshore; while on Wednesday, the totally nude remains of a 14-year-old schoolgirl was found on the seashore in the vicinity of Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.
Yesterday’s shocking discovery was regarded as the most brutal of the three remains found within the last 12 days among the rocks while being battered by the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
When the torso of the woman was found yesterday morning, it was partly clad with pink and blue clothing, which appeared to be some sort of dress and brassiere respectively.
When investigators arrived on the scene the crowd had already built up and persons could be seen taking photographs with their phones and getting as close as possible to the remains.
The Chronicle was informed that the police were, up to late last evening, looking at several possibilities and leads into the gruesome murder, one of which is that the killing

might have been ‘sacrificial’.
There were also several persons who were present on the scene who opined that the killing does indeed seem to be a sacrificial one as components used by at least one spiritual group was found at the scene.
The investigators who were not too familiar with the object were heard soliciting the assistance of spectators to come forward and identify the object and its possible use by a certain religion.

According to one police source, there is also the view that the woman’s limbs and head might have been severed on the platform of the seawall right in the area before being tossed into the seashore.
Initial investigations were suggesting that the body might have washed up at the location from some other part, but after the feet, head and a part of one of the hands were discovered not too far away, the theory that the woman was killed right at the location was strongly looked into by investigators.
By Leroy Smith