Nagga mek a racial statement and get off!

Postalt is amaze how de Opposition and its pals including Glenny, de Big Market tabloid and de unsocial media, meking a big issue about what BJ seh in Berbice. Everybody expect that people who went to school and learn fuh write in papers and so on, would at least have de basic tool; understanding. If you can’t understand what somebody seh or write, then how you gon write? People seh dem understand that Glenny is a exception because he didn’t go in de school. That is why he always wearing a pointy hat. So he get excused, but dem can’t excuse Adam because he went to de Queen school so he suppose to understand de Queen language!

De same people seh how Adam does operate like he ain’t gat understanding. Dem seh he name should change to ADumb! Postalt understand that somebody already give he that name! Everybody else who hear BJ in Berbice know that he didn’t seh anything racial. He seh racism mustn’t be tolerated and he use a example fuh show how de Opposition use it during de last election. Apparently de Opposition had a set of drums meking noise in parts of GT sehing that “coolie people must get vote out”. BJ also seh that if anybody in de Cup Party did do something like that, them would get kick out!
That is a condemnation of racism!

Potsalt would like fuh ask ADumb and de others, how come that is a racial statement? Which part? Even Chrissy get hook and and seh how BJ statement wrong and it desecrate Babu John. People who know, sehing Chrissy desecrating de lawyer profession, but that is a different story. What de Glenny, ADumb, de Big Market tabloid and de unsocial people should ask is how come Nagga mek a racial statement and get away with it! Potsalt understand that is because he is now of de Palm Tree PNC Party. Apparently, when yuh in there, yuh can do anything and get away with it! Nagga seh how de Key party gon deliver 11% Indian votes to de PNC Alliance.

He didn’t seh Guyanese votes; he was specific! Indian! Potsalt asking again; isn’t that racism? But because of de lack of understanding, deliberately, de ADumbs and so on wouldn’t haul Nagga over de coals and RumJ wouldn’t tell to haul he a$$! Maybe dem afraid because BJ talking de truth! Postalt gone! Fuh now!


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