A SINGLE mother of five was sentenced to six months imprisonment after she was found guilty of unlawfully wounding her daughter’s lover, Deraj Persaud, at Brothers Village, East Bank Berbice.The woman, Shurlin De Cunha, aged 44, appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the Sisters Court on Tuesday.
Police Sergeant Phillip Sherriff, prosecuting, said the defendant and the virtual complainant (VC) are known to each other and were on speaking terms. However the defendant indicated that she did not accept the VC’s relationship with her daughter.
On June 15, last the defendant left her home to conduct business in the Upper Berbice River. She however returned home unexpectedly and found the VC in her yard, under her house, with her daughter. The defendant then rebuked Persaud for entering her yard without her permission, but Persaud became annoyed and refused to leave.
The defendant nevertheless insisted that Persaud leave the premises, whereupon Persaud reportedly grabbed a piece of wood and was approaching the defendant, when she took it away from him and dealt him several lashes about his body.
Additionally, the defendant was overheard saying: “Is man you want play? Well ah gon show you what man does get,” as she fired several cuffs to the VC’s right eye.
Meanwhile, in response to the magistrate, the defendant said she had been previously charged for tearing the shirt belonging to the father of her children. However, that matter was dismissed after she offered to have the case settled out of court.