Natural Ways to Revive and Brighten Tired Skin
We all have those days where we could use a few more hours of sleep, so I’ve found some helpful ways to brighten tired skin! Feeling tired is one thing, but looking tired is the pits! Why walk around looking like a zombie when you can easily wake up tired skin and look more awake with just a few beauty products?! Keep reading to get the lowdown on how to brighten tired skin!
A sure way to brighten tired skin and revive dull skin is to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating is essential for getting rid of dead skin cells and revealing fresh skin. Using a gentle scrub on your face and body can instantly make you feel much more awake and refreshed. Make sure you use a scrub a few times a week to keep skin looking and feeling better and brighter!
If you frequently skimp on sleep, staying hydrated will be your skin’s saving grace. Dehydrated and tired skin looks dull and sallow. Start your day with a tall glass of water and stay hydrated throughout the day to aid your skin in regaining its natural moisture and glow! Have some lemon with your water for a vitamin C boost to keep skin clear!
3. ICE
This next tip on how to wake up tired skin isn’t the easiest thing to do when you’re sleepy, but it really helps. Take an ice cube and rub it all over your tired face. If you don’t have any ice cubes on hand, splash some cold water on your face. Cold water or ice will help stimulate blood flow and tighten your pores, making your skin appear brighter and smoother!
A similar way to look more awake is by using chilled skin care products. Place your toner, eye cream or facial moisturizer in the fridge overnight and apply it in the morning. The chilled products will soothe tired, puffy skin and help refresh your skin. The cold temperature of the products will also stimulate blood flow and invigorate skin without using super cold water or ice!
If you feel like your skin needs more help than a splash of cold water, wake up tired skin with a de-puffing product. Try using a rollerball with an eye serum that will help take the puffiness and brighten up tired-looking skin. Try using Clinique’s All About Eyes Serum or Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Awakening Face Massager to gently massage and revive your skin!
Concealer is the first thing we reach for when we need to look more awake, and rightfully so! What else can camouflage dark circles and even out your skin tone like it’s nobody’s business?! Use a good quality concealer like Maybelline Instant Age Rewind concealer or Benefit’s Erase Paste that’ll hide giveaway signs of restless nights.
If you’ve got some time in the morning, fake being awake with a refreshing facial mask to wake up tired skin. Using a cooling and calming cucumber and mint mask will help revitalize tired skin and give your skin back its gorgeous glow! Mash up a cucumber and strain. Next, place the mashed cucumber in a microwave-safe bowl with a little water and microwave on high for about 2 minutes. Add ¼ cup of fresh mint and microwave again for 2 minutes. Once it’s cool to the touch, apply it all over your face and rinse off after 15 minutes!
Another beauty product that’ll instantly give your skin back its natural glow is to use blush. Blush will help you look more awake and give your cheeks a sexy flush of color. Don’t walk around with pale cheeks that makes your skin look tired and dull when blush will immediately add some life to your skin and revitalize its appearance!
It’s easy to wake up tired skin when you’ve got the right tools! Doing little things like exfoliating and hydrating can do wonders for tired skin, but we can always use help from beauty products, too! I hope you try out some of these tips to wake up tired, sleepless skin! Do you have any tips brightening up tired skin?
Healthy ways to help protect your eyesight and ward off vision loss.
More than 8 million Americans are facing a vision problem that can’t be corrected so easily: age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a leading cause of blindness in people over age 60 and while the signs of AMD may not show up until late in life, much of the damage occurs decades earlier. While some people seem to develop the condition no matter what they do, there are a few lifestyle choices—such as quitting smoking and wearing sunglasses—that may help to protect against the disease. But research also suggests eating a nutrient-rich diet may help to prevent the development, or delay the progression, of AMD.
What can you eat today to protect your eyes? Find out here.
1. Up Your Antioxidant Intake
Studies show that people with low levels of antioxidants are more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (AMD) than those with higher levels. Antioxidants that seem to be especially protective against the disease include vitamin C (in citrus fruits, kiwi and broccoli), vitamin E (in vegetable oils, nuts and avocados) and lutein and zeaxanthin—nutrients that abound in dark leafy greens, such as spinach, kale and collards. While it’s not completely clear how these antioxidants protect your eyes, it seems that they accumulate in the retina where they can mop up free radicals, compounds that damage cells by starving them of oxygen. Lutein and zeaxanthin may also act like natural sunglasses, helping to form macular pigment that filters out some of the sun’s damaging rays.
3. Eat (Whole) Eggs
Egg yolks are also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, but many of us avoid eggs because we’re worried about their cholesterol content. Research led by Thomas Wilson, Ph.D., associate professor with the Center for Health and Disease Research at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell, suggests that we shouldn’t be so concerned. He found that when people ate eggs regularly—as many as two daily—they significantly increased the levels of lutein and zeaxanthin circulating in their bodies without boosting LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels. Unless your doctor advises otherwise, go ahead and enjoy eggs regularly. (Just don’t go crazy: the American Heart Association still advises limiting cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams [mg] daily, and one large egg yolk has about 213 mg.) Take a tip from Dr. Wilson and scramble your eggs with spinach for an even bigger nutrient boost.
4. Help Yourself To More “See” Food
A recent analysis of nine studies that included more than 88,000 participants suggested that people who ate at least two servings of fatty fish (such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring or trout) per week were about one-third less likely to develop advanced AMD than those who didn’t. Lead scientist Elaine Chong, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Centre for Eye Research at the University of Melbourne, Australia, explains that omega-3 fatty acids—particularly DHA—in fish are key components of the nerve cells in the retina. “DHA is found in much higher concentrations in the retina than in other parts of the body,” she notes, “thus, a deficiency may trigger AMD.” So commit to eating more fatty fish, and don’t stop there: shellfish, such as oysters and crab, provide good amounts of zinc, another nutrient that’s found in the retina and may also help protect against AMD.
5. Consider A Supplement
Although it’s always best to get nutrients from food first, supplements are showing a lot of promise in combating AMD. Reports from large-scale clinical trials suggest that, in high-dose supplement form, several nutrients may help to reduce the risk of AMD significantly. If you have any AMD risk factors, talk with your eye-care professional about taking an “eye health formula” supplement. The current supplement formula being studied in major research trials includes 10 mg of lutein (the equivalent of about 3 cups of spinach), 2 milligrams of zeaxanthin and 1 gram total of EPA and DHA (approximately what you get in a 3-ounce serving of salmon). Until further research is in, there’s no advantage to exceeding those amounts. Remember to take it only under medical supervision; even though these supplements are available over the counter, taking megadoses of any nutrient should always be approached cautiously.
6. Keep Your Blood Pressure—And Your Weight—In Check
People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop AMD, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. The theory is that increased pressure damages blood vessels. This hinders blood flow to the eyes, making it harder for protective nutrients to reach the retina and for damaging free-radical debris to be carried away. Losing extra pounds if you’re overweight or obese might also help. Body fat is a major storage depot for fat-soluble nutrients, and excess fat tissue can act as a “sink” for some eye-protective nutrients, making them less available to the macula. (Information gathered and extracted from
Join us again next week where we will be telling you about brain damaging habits that you must know and symptoms of kidney disease that you must know.