Petra Organisation launches lucrative 4th COURTS Pee Wee Football tournament
Co-Director of Petra Organisation Troy Mendonca (5th from left), Deputy CEO of the Education Ministry Marcel Hudson and COURTS Marketing Manager Pernell Cummings are surrounded by some students from the participating schools at yesterday’s COURTS Pee Wee Football launch. (Sonell Nelson photo)
Co-Director of Petra Organisation Troy Mendonca (5th from left), Deputy CEO of the Education Ministry Marcel Hudson and COURTS Marketing Manager Pernell Cummings are surrounded by some students from the participating schools at yesterday’s COURTS Pee Wee Football launch. (Sonell Nelson photo)

… Company pumps $2.8M into event

PETRA Organisation officially launched its annual COURTS Pee Wee Football tournament which is set to kick off on Saturday, October 4 at Thirst Park. This is the fourth year that COURTS is partnering with Petra Organisation to stage the event and yesterday, the company who is now celebrating its 21st Anniversary, handed over a cheque worth $2.8M to the organisers.
The tournament will cater for children under the age of 11, and involves 24 Georgetown primary schools, playing in a round-robin format.
Prizes will be awarded to the top four finishers along with individual incentives to the player adjudged the Most Valuable Player (MVP), Highest Goalscorer, Best Goalkeeper and the Most Disciplined Team.
The partnership with the Petra Organisation for the Pee Wee Tournament will bring the sum total to over $5.8M in COURTS’ contribution to Sport during the birthday month and COURTS Marketing Manager Pernell Cummings said the entity is more than pleased to once again support growth and sustainability of football in Guyana.
Cummings said that the tournament is one that COURTS will be sponsoring for years to come and that as time goes by, the prize money will be increased annually. He pointed out that COURTS sees the tournament as meaningful investment in the future of football in Guyana.
Deputy Chief Education Officer Marcel Hudson said that the Ministry of Education welcomes the investment made by COURTS and endorses the tournament which plays an important part at helping the students to learn from an early age, that there needs to be a distinct balance in sports and education.
Hudson stated that the Ministry has long been an advocate in supporting initiatives that lend to its “keep fit” programme being promoted in every school where it’s now compulsory for students to be active physically which helps to alleviate non-communicable diseases.
The Deputy Chief Education Officer urged students to play fair, stating “you must learn to be good losers and don’t see losing the game as the end of the world. Look at it as a learning experience and what you need to do to win. I wish everyone well and may the best team win.”
Meanwhile, according to co-Director of Petra Organisation, Troy Mendonca, the tournament will also see a partnership with Banks DIH under their Malta Supreme brand.
Mendonca expressed delight at having COURTS back on board and lauded the company’s initiative for spending more where every team will be outfitted and given at least two footballs each.
A colourful opening ceremony is planned to mark the start of the event at Thirst Park on October 4 from 10:00hrs after which, defending champions St Pius Primary will get into action against J.E Burnham Primary. Twelve matches are scheduled for the opening day.


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