Opposition-controlled M&CC in 1996 bought executive vehicles with $15M Gov’t aid
…funds were meant for city clean-up
THE year was 1996, four years on from the historic 1992 elections, which meant many things; but importantly, it marked a halt to Guyana’s economic slide. Virtually no money is in the treasury; the private sector has been decimated; inflation was now being brought under control; and shortages still existed in some areas, because the economic transformation could not possibly have been automatic.There is a lot of work to be done, but the financial resources available were limited. All across Georgetown resembled a mine-field: Kids would make paper boats and play in the huge sinkholes termed ‘potholes’ in many areas, one example being in Garnett Street, Newtown, Kitty, which is now one of the main routes for the Kitty/Campbellville minibuses.
Local Government elections were held three years ago, and no less a person than Hamilton Green is once again serving as Mayor. This is after the PNC backtracked on an earlier agreement with the PPP/C to rotate the mayorship every year among the three Parties represented in the M&CC.
Mayor Green of the then GGG, a splintered faction from the PNC, served the first year; the PPP/C supported the PNC’s candidate, Ranwell Jordan, for the second year. But when it was time for the PPP’s turn, the PNC teamed up with the GGG and used their majority to implant Mayor Green once again.
The state of Georgetown during this period was a reflection of the entire country, and the PPP/C administration was to embark on an initial $1B extensive road rehabilitation campaign across the City.
But why was the Government forced to embark on this project, which continues today, where it is expending hundreds of millions annually to rehabilitate roads in the City which falls under the responsibility of the M&CC? Why did it not seek to go through the M&CC? Was this not an act of undermining the Council, as is being claimed today by Mayor Green and his acolytes whenever they are given space in the press?
Well, the truth will take us back to an incident involving a $15M aid to City Hall by the Government in 1996. The money was released through the Local Government Ministry for ‘the clearing of drains and repairing roadways’ to aid citizens who desperately needed these services, as they still do today, only for the Council to divert the funds to reportedly purchase ‘expensive executive cars’.
The GGG/PNC used their combined majority over the PPP/C in the Council, similar to what the AFC/PNC-APNU currently does in the National Assembly today, to outvote the PPP/C Councillors in a motion on whether to use the cash to clear drains and repair roadways, or to buy executive cars.
Such was the level of commitment of the Opposition-dominated Council to improve the Capital City; yet today, they find it convenient to lay blame for the state of Georgetown on the PPP/C Government. The records would show that at every step of the way, the Central Government was supportive of the Council, despite the obvious challenges. It was the government which provided land to relocate Water Street vendors and clear the entire area, making it easier for citizens to conduct their business unhindered in this commercial section of the Capital City. All the City Council was required to do was to maintain the area, but, sadly, today the situation has returned to the state it was before the government’s intervention.
It was the government which intervened to clear up sections of the Stabroek Market area, demolishing illegal structures which had encroached on the reserves, and hindered the flow of traffic, while also easing the congestion of the minibus parks. It was roundly criticised for this move, including City Hall, but today, many continue to benefit from the initiative.
It was the government which intervened and cleared the Railway Embankment section, from Main Street to a bit over Vlissengen Road of squatting, which was being done under deplorable health conditions, with almost no effort from City Hall to correct the situation. Government came under attack again for this initiative, during which it provided house lots and assistance for relocation.
The records would show the constant effort by the government to improve the aesthetics of Georgetown, with almost no help from the City Council, which, in some cases, criticised rather than supported these initiatives.
Tomorrow, we will focus, probably, on the biggest irony of street vending. We will judge the sincerity of Mayor Hamilton Green and Co. to the plight of vendors.