Resourceful Spanish teacher creates her own bit of history
Mrs. Ann Allyson Gilford-Benn at the launch of her project, yesterday. Seated at the headtable (from right) are Mrs Denise Harris, Pastor Yvonne Osman and Pastor Floyd Benn
Mrs. Ann Allyson Gilford-Benn at the launch of her project, yesterday. Seated at the headtable (from right) are Mrs Denise Harris, Pastor Yvonne Osman and Pastor Floyd Benn

–with launch here of self-inspired Spanish alphabet card
COMING out of many challenges was the launch yesterday of the first Spanish alphabet card created here by Mrs Ann Allyson Gilford-Benn, B.A., at the National Library’s Conference room.Started late last year by Mrs. Benn, the project was motivationally driven by the lack of Spanish alphabet cards in bookstores across the country. After opting to teach at Mae’s School, an associate of Mrs. Benn recommended that she incorporate the use of a Spanish alphabet card into her teaching strategy to solidify the foundation of the language, and assist in pronunciation.

Having failed to acquire one of the alphabets from local bookstores, Mrs. Benn decided to make one of her own and designed it with crayons. This, however, proved unsuccessful, since she wanted something of higher quality.

Thus, Mrs Benn set out on a venture to make the first ever Spanish alphabet in Guyana. She was determined to transform her dream into reality despite facing many challenges along the way.

”My first foundation is the Lord, because He has kept me until now. My second foundation is my parent (father). He was always concerned about my education,” Mrs Benn said. She also acknowledged the support of her son, and her friend Denise Harris, who both played instrumental roles in her achievement.
Being a graduate of the University of Guyana, she charged: “If you are doing something, do it with all of your heart.”

This initiative will greatly impact many primary and secondary schools across the country, since this new implementation will foster hope for a stronger foundation in learning the foreign language.

Efforts are also being made to have these alphabet cards available in the more remote areas of the country, so as to give those less fortunate students equal opportunity to develop a basic understanding and love for Spanish.

Many have described the event as a historical one, and are pleading with the media to make the public aware of copyright laws. Mrs. Benn is also pleading with persons to buy the original alphabet card directly from the producer, at a cost of only G$1000.
Written By Ravin Singh


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