Local government elections should be held early next year

PERHAPS the PPP/C party should do more than only say that they are ready for local and national elections, but actually call for at least local government elections under whatever laws are presently in place. The party should advice the government, opposition and nation that they are ready to call for such elections early next year. They need to point out what new laws were enacted and why a proposed law was not signed into law. Such an election would give all Guyanese an opportunity to express which party or individuals they believe best serve their local interest and the nation at large.
Whether the opposition boycotts such an election or not it is time for the voters to be given such an opportunity to elect new local leadership that may best address their needs at the local level, while their leaders argue at the national level as to who should rule Guyana.
The opposition must explain to their supporters why they must wait until the opposition gets all that they demand before allowing them a chance to vote for the people they want to run their local affairs. A boycotted election cannot be worse than no elections at all. It is incredible that any party would fear such an election.


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