Mandela was one of the most outstanding statesmen of all time
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela

– President Ramotar says he was also a giant in defence of human rights

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has extended condolences to the family of the late anti-apartheid leader, icon and Former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela who passed away yesterday.

 President Donald Ramotar
President Donald Ramotar

In a televised message to the nation, President Ramotar described Mandela’s passing as a “loss not just for the people of South Africa, but for Africa as a whole, and the world at large”. He also said Mandela was “a giant in defence of human rights and for a free and just society, not only for his beloved South Africans, but for the oppressed the world over”.
The President added that the world is much poorer after the passing of one of the most outstanding statesmen of all time. “The struggle he led with other distinguished anti-apartheid fighters has entered into the annals of world history as one of the most defining periods in our world. However, it was not only the struggle, but the manner in which it was conducted which will always remain an example and an inspiration for others working for social and economic justice everywhere”.

Following is the full text of the condolence message by His Excellency President Donald Ramotar:
“On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Guyana and on my own behalf, I express sincere condolences on the passing of Former President Nelson Mandela.
This loss is not just one for the people of South Africa, but for Africa as a whole, and the world at large. Nelson Mandela was a giant in defence of human rights and for a free and just society, not only for his beloved South Africans, but for the oppressed the world over.
The world is much poorer after his passing for he was one of the most outstanding statesmen of all time.
The struggle he led with other distinguished anti-apartheid fighters has entered into the annals of world history as one of the most defining periods in our world.
However, it was not only the struggle, but the manner in which it was conducted which will always remain an example and an inspiration for others working for social and economic justice everywhere.
He was truly the Father of his Nation, tirelessly devoting his life to serving the people of South Africa with humility and dignity in leadership, and an unwavering commitment to preserving that hard won unity and the pride of liberation.
Highly loved and respected the world over, his memory will forever be cherished. For Guyana, this is particularly so, as we recall the strength of character which he continually displayed during those long, dark years of incarceration, a grave injustice. As we mourn now with South Africa, we rejoiced then, when he won his freedom and took his rightful place as leader of his country.
Mr Mandela’s name and work will endure throughout the ages. I have asked that the President of South Africa Jacob Zuma, convey our sympathy to his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this difficult time.”


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