ACTING Town Clerk Carol Sooba has warned that the City Hall administration will be taking a firmer stand to curb illegal vending in Georgetown.
In a telephone interview yesterday, she declared that the practice is beyond control, but will not be for very long.
Ms. Sooba said Mayor Hamilton Green, on his “political bandwagon”, should stop thinking that having these people vend peacefully would solve the garbage problem they have created.
As such, she said the constabulary will be taking a more rapid and stern approach to the persons who vend, as they will be removed and arrested if they try to go back from where they have been moved.
Sooba said the unlawful roadside vendors on the streets of the capital are the main causes of the garbage pile-up in the city and the blocked drains.
She said, of late, the situation has gotten more out of control than in the past and the time has come for serious measures to be implemented to move those vendors and see to it that there is absolutely no more roadside selling.
The town clerk said she is somewhat shocked at the situation in the areas of Water, Regent, Wellington and other streets, where people have, substantially, large sheds and illegal contraptions used for plying their trades.
The pile-up of garbage is mostly because of those persons and the enforcement to have them legally prosecuted is lacking in the Council, Sooba said.
She said she is expecting that all arms of City Hall will be required to assist her in bringing enforcement to a better level.
Sooba stated, further, that it will be a very significant task to bring some form of orderliness to the city.
She assured, though, that, as town clerk, she will employ all necessary legal measures to have the situation controlled.
She said she has heard that vendors were told, by the mayor, that they can continue to sell as long as the places are kept clean.
But Sooba said this was the practice long before, which, in the first place, triggered the garbage situation in the city.
She said the practice of taking a cleansing fee from illegal roadside vendors is intolerable and carrying out works will continue to be difficult, especially in face of the situation where persons are intervening.
Sooba said she would be engaged in talks, this week, for certain changes in the administration, to deal with enforcement of laws.
She said the Council is appearing to have no care and concern over the flooding situation and health hazards that arise from time to time, because of these vendors and their contribution to garbage.
At a press conference some months ago, Sooba had vowed that, as town clerk, she is the chief executive officer of the Council and has her mandate clearly spelt out.
“I will do all that is legally possible to ensure that Georgetown is rid of illegal roadside vendors and garbage,” she stated then.