New Amsterdam Multilateral fourth formers in schoolyard brawl : …both on suspension

IT is said that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop and, that old saying came to pass yesterday, when two fourth formers at the New Amsterdam Multilateral School got involved in a schoolyard brawl that left one of them nursing injuries to his face. Devedson Araujo, 16, of 22 Adelphi, East Canje, is currently at home, nursing facial injuries and serving a three-day suspension imposed by an official of the Region 6, Department of Education.
His school mate, Yohan Richmond, of 42 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, is serving a similar suspension for inflicting the injuries.
During an interview with the Guyana Chronicle, Araujo stated that he is part of a group called the 4 ‘E’ CLIQUE, which was founded by Richmond and three others. He alleged that the group is known for its delinquent activities and he even showed this writer Facebook videos of brawls that took place in classrooms and the bicycle shed.

He noted that even though he’s part of the 4 ‘E’ CLIQUE, he’s not a friend of Richmond; and yesterday, plans were in place for the group to make another video of a boxing match in the cycle shed, but the plans were aborted after a boxing glove fell into a pool of water.
“After we only had one pair of gloves, the boys took off belts and started to throw them, and a student threw the belt at me and I threw it back at him and Yohan Richmond claimed that the belt hit him. He began to rant at me and made an attempt to hit me but I ran; when I returned a few minutes after to collect my bag, he hit me at the back of my head with a belt,” he explained.
Araujo added that he questioned the reason for the assault and threw a belt at Richmond, who held him in a lock and dealt him several cuffs to his face. He also claims that he was thrown on the ground and kicked about the stomach while other students allegedly encouraged his attacker to continue the assault.
“They said leave me on the ground to feel the pain, since I deserved that for messing with an Afro-Guyanese. Yohan then kicked me a few more times then repeated the racial sentiment,” he indicated.
The victim claims that he was in excruciating pain to the point where he was unable to move and was subsequently assisted by a teacher and fellow students. He was taken to the principal’s office, then to the New Amsterdam Hospital for medical attention.
The Guyana Chronicle approached the Stanleytown home of Yolan Richmond, and his mother politely stated that she has no comment to offer.
The matter engaged the attention of the police who advised that it be dealt with by the Region 6 Department of Education.
The Department of Education got involved in the matter and an officer handed down the three-day suspension to the brawling lads.


By his own admission, Devedson Araujo, a Brazilian by birth, told this publication, in the presence of his family, that he had previous minor incidents at the school and only last term, he received a four-day suspension for stomping another schoolmate on his chest .
“The last time i defended myself and got suspended, this time I took licks and got suspended again,” he stressed.
Reports emanating from sections of the school population indicate that Araujo is in the habit of provoking others and he is a troublemaker and his poor academic performance reflects his behaviour, since he was recently transferred to another class in order to improve his grades.
Araujo’s mother, Melissa Narsingh, told the Guyana Chronicle that she’s aware that her son has made mistakes previously and she is worried about the way he was demoralised by the assault and racial comment that was made.

“I am bothered by the trauma he recently experienced, i have to help him to get through this period, then I will sit and have a serious talk with him,” she added.
The brawling parties, along with their parents, will appear before a Region 6 Education Officer, next Wednesday in order to bring an amicable solution to the matter.   (Michael Khan)


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