After fatal stab, Boston told accused, ‘You juk me’ … deposition evidence states

THE deposition of missing eyewitness Renie Williams yesterday described how Mervin Boston was trying to make peace among a warring group in Albouystown, when he was fatally stabbed in the left chest by accused, Carl Bennett.

Before falling on his back from the injury, Mervin told the accused, “You juk me”.
Rennie Williams is one of the eyewitnesses who gave evidence at the preliminary hearing but could not be located by the prosecution for the jury trial.
Therefore, prosecution attorneys Miss Rhondel Weever and Miss  Renita Singh applied to the presiding  judge, Mr. Navindra Singh for  permission to have the deposition of Williams presented to the jury under the provision of Section 95. The application was granted.
According to the deposition, the witness, Renie Williams resided at Lot 138 King Edward Street, Albouystown.
He lived there with his sister, Sonia Williams. He said that he knows Mervin Boston and he is a close relative of his and used to live with him at the same address. He is now dead.
He said also that he knows Carl Bennett by seeing him in Albouystown and identified him in the dock at the Magistrates’ Court.
The witness recalled that on Tuesday 20th October, 2009 at about 07.00 hrs he was standing on the corner of King Edward Street and James Street, Albouystown, in company with Lloyd Benjamin, Steffam Campbell, and the deceased Mervin Boston.
“The accused came up to me and asked me if I want a problem.  This was in the presence of Lloyd Benjamin, Steffan Campbell and Mervin Boston. I told him that “You can’t want problem and you have your baby in your hands.” The accused then left.
“About 10 minutes later my sister, Sonia Williams came to me and told me something. I took her to my mother’s residence at Lot 154 Cooper Street where my sister lives.            On arrival, my sister Sonia and the accused’s mother started to quarrel on the corner of Cooper and James Streets, Albouystown. I left my sister there and went to my mother. The accused was also present where my sister and mother were arguing. At my mother’s home I told my mother something and turned back. My mother accompanied me back to the street and I saw the accused running behind Lloyd Benjamin with a knife in his hand.  They were running on Cooper Street. They were about six feet away from me.
“When the accused saw me after looking in my direction, he stopped and turned back. Me, Steffan Campbell and Mervin Boston, deceased, went to Ruimveldt Police station to make a report.
“I was asking my sister Sonia something when I heard an argument  outside. I went to the verandah at the front of the house. I saw the accused and his brother on the road. They were in front of the house.
“It was about 06:40 hrs in the morning. The place was bright and nothing blocked my view from the accused and his bother. The accused brother’s name is Cordell Mervin, Boston and Lloyd Benjamin were also there. The accused spoke in a very loud voice.
“The accused said nothing to me. He said “Reni, you bring your police friend by me but he can’t save you, I am still gonna kill you.” I was not alone on the verandah at the time.  Mervin Boston and Lloyd Benjamin were also there. The accused spoke in a very loud tone of voice so I could hear him.
“ I was about to leave on my scooter which was on King  Edward Street on the left side of the road when the accused’s brother Cordell  grabbed me from behind. I did not see the accused at that time. He held both of my arms to my side. He grabbed me around the waist. Then I saw the accused coming towards me with a knife in his hand. He was about seven feet away and coming towards me when I first saw him.
“The blade of the knife is about eight inches and the handle about 3 inches. The handle was black and the blade was stainless steel.
“I had to hold Cordell’s hands and push myself back and we both fell into the gutter.
“This is a gutter on the right hand side of the road. The road runs north to south and the gutters are on the east and west.
“When I said right hand side gutter I meant the one on the eastern side.
“I saw the accused again while I was on my knees in the gutter and he came and kicked me on the left side of my face. Cordell was on his knees and he was still holding on to me. After the accused kicked me he start firing some chops at me with the knife he had in his right hand. I tried to turn Cordell in front of me.   Mervin Boston deceased rushed into the accused and held onto his hands. They were about 4 feet away from me and Cordell.
“The deceased and the accused started spinning around in a circle and when they stopped the accused fired a ‘juk’ at the deceased with the knife he had in his hand. He fired at the left side chest of the deceased.  The deceased said to the accused “you juk me” he held on to the left side of his chest.
“The accused stepped back and ran away. I managed to free myself from Cordell and started to run into my yard. When I reached the step I looked back and saw Mervin on the ground behind me. He kept holding his chest and saying the accused juk him.   I saw a hole on his left side chest.   He was wearing an armless vest.
“I saw my sister and Lloyd Benjamin take Mervin out to a car.   They left and I went to Ruimveldt Police Station. I saw the accused’s mother there. I was arrested. I reported the matter at the Ruimveldt  Police Station.
“From the time I saw the accused fire a juk at the deceased to the time I saw him taken away, I did not see him receive any further injuries.”
The trial is continuing.


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