Agri Ministry continues to heighten D&I interventions
Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy

…as La Nina phenomenon brings heavy rainfall
THE Agriculture Ministry says it continues to heighten Drainage and Irrigation (D&I) interventions in light of the heavy rainfall experienced over the last 24hours.
Speaking with this publication, Agriculture Minster, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy noted that “this continuous rainfall will persist from time to time due to the changes in Guyana’s climatic conditions.
“There have been heavy downpours across the coast. Over the 24 hour period ending Wednesday at 8:00hrs rainfall was in excess of 120mm in most locations on the coast. The condition is expected to persist until the end of March 2012.”
According to Dr. Ramsammy, the rainfall which occurred on February 28 and February 29 has exceeded the amount of rainfall expected for the entire month for most locations.
“For example, in Georgetown, the average is 92 mm of rainfall in February, but on Tuesday and Wednesday, Georgetown experienced 129 mm.”
According to him, for the last 24 hours rainfall recorded are as follows; 156.2 mm was reported at Supenaam Forestry in Region 2; Port Kaituma in Region 1 reported 11.9 mm; Capoey reported 119.8 in Region 2; De Kinderen Front reported 151.0 mm and Boerasirie 150.5 mm, in Region 3; G/Town and in Region 4 reported 128.8 mm and 118.1 mm.
Flood conditions have been reported in Regions 3, 4, and 6, in areas such as Windsor Forest, Canals Polder, Blankenburg, Parika, Naamryck,  Greenfield, Beehive, Ann’s Grove, Hope, Little Diamond, Herstelling, and Black Bush Polder.
Additionally, high water levels were experienced in La Jalousie, Den Amstel, Hague, Meten-Meer-Zorg, Vergenoegen, Roden Rust, Pouderoyen, Goed Fortuin, Parfaite Harmonie, Handsome Tree, Mahaica and Mahaicony.
The outlook during the next 24 hours would see overcast conditions with intermittent rainfall over coastal regions and near inland locations. Variable cloudy conditions can be expected over other areas with occasional showers; rainfall quantities may exceed 50.0 mm.
The La Nina phenomenon still persists and is expected to do so until the end of the first quarter of 2012. Hence downpours may occur from time to time during March and April, 2012.


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