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Is big fighting in APNU
De Bluetoother can’t resist the temptation of “toothing” in this election season. So, I am back. And, is there plenty things to “tooth” on! “Bouncing” around by APNU headquarters down in Palm Tree Jungle where the Place of CONgress is nestled, you would believe its Afghanistan.
Is sheer fighting. From the sounds, you would believe it’s “skud missiles” and “hand propelled rockets” firing. It’s plenty “boom-boom” with the verbal exchanges competing to drown out the firing sounds.

David Granger in one corner, Rupert Roopnarine in another, Palm Tree loyalists in one and Robert Corbin by  himself.
It’s exchanges from east, west, north and south. David said he was elected to be the Presidential candidate. Immediately the Palm Tree loyalists turned and looked at Robert. They ask him, “elected”?

Robert, being the master of rigging, knows exactly what the question meant. He slumped in his southern corner in a foetal position avoiding an answer.

The angry loyalists in loud decibels were quarrelling that David took over the Party and they now don’t have a say. Even Robert said he don’t have a say. David fired back; “somebody had to put them hands up, so I did”.

On the ball, the loyalists replied, “like you done surrender?” They screamed that David stole the Palm Tree and his hands are up, as seen in all the APNU posters, he is guilty. David turned to Robert and asked why he didn’t let the loyalists know the arrangement.

A guilty looking Robert put his hands up too. Right away the loyalist turned and accused him of giving away the Palm Tree. Now with their hands up, David and the loyalists turn on Robert “firing” with anything they could find. Sheer confusion! Noise! Name calling! Accusation as to who stole ballot boxes and who rigged elections! Feeling left out, Roopnarine jumped on a table and screamed his lungs out, “hey, I am here. Don’t forget me!” All the others, even though sensing his presence, believed he was irrelevant.

Roopnarine kept shouting to make his presence known. He said, “to hell with the Palm Tree, I am putting my hands up for candidate for Prime Minister with APNU”. Aubrey lashed out, “no way, that’s for me”.

Immediately Deborah, Volda, Lance and Oscar jumped on Aubrey who jumped on Roopnarine fighting for the position. Table broke; same for chairs. It was a total “lick down”! The other loyalists pounced on David and Robert. The guards downstairs thought was an earthquake and ran away.

A panting Roopnarine, jostling the five on top of him, managed a shriek, “is you all who kill Walter”. The five snapped back, “and you is a PPP spy”. It became like a tennis match back and forth, “killer”, “spy”, “killer, “spy”. David and Robert started their own “tennis match”, “Palm Tree stealer”, “vote rigger”, “Palm Tree stealer”, “vote rigger”.

When subsequently asked to comment on the commotion, a spokesperson for each faction said “campaign matters were being discussed”. When pressed further, they said they are being true to the real meaning of APNU; A Party Not United. Hmmm!


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