Statutory rape not a trivial matter

I WISH to comment on a letter written by someone who withheld his/her name titled “Can this happen anywhere else in the world?” posted in the Kaieteur News 31-01-2011. This writer went on a long diatribe deploring the actions of the police in the recent arrest of a teacher accused of statutory rape at the Fort Wellington Secondary School. Details of that individual’s account states that a squad of armed policemen accompanied by their commander went to make the arrest of the alleged rapist; something that is highly reprehensible in the eyes of the writer of that letter. In their own words,this is a “small matter” hence, the teacher in question is not deserving of such harsh treatment.
The foregoing statement somewhat gives away the identity of the writer of the letter, which most likely is the principal of the selfsame school who, in an earlier news release, was overheard saying “the teacher did not kill anybody” So in her estimation this is a small matter which should not receive much attention, if any at all. Now madam principal, here are a few statements for your information and guidance, statutory rape, or having sex with a minor is not a trivial matter at all, that is why it comes under the category of serious crimes. Secondly, in making such statements you have exposed your depraved mentality and the squalid state of a school you claim to lead.
To think that these are the words coming from the mouth of a principal speaks volumes of the state of some of our schools and the pitiful state of the children in their care. Instead of being the guardians of our children these individuals are facilitators of all sorts of sordid activities. The police should not be the only ones in that place, but the Human Services Ministry also; they should be swarming around that school looking into the log books, interviewing students and teachers, among other key areas,  to assess the true state of  affairs at that school; and I can guarantee my readers, heads will roll. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and, judging from the fact that someone had the gall to take pictures of the sex acts, in a school, tells anyone with even half a brain  much of the goings on there.

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