Judge to rule in West Bank Demerara murder trial 2nd voir dire tomorrow

– Unlawful depositions said to be involved
Presiding judge Mr. Winston Patterson, who recently threw out alleged oral statements by accused Lakenauth Dial, called Mohan, in the West Bank Demerara murder  trial voir dire, because the statements were not obtained in accordance with the judges’ rules,  will rule tomorrow in respect of  the admissibility of the depositions.
This second voir dire (a trial within a trial) began yesterday after defence counsel Mr. Vic Puran  objected to Prosecution lawyers Miss Lartchmie Rahamat and Ms. Judith Gildharie-Mursalin attempting to put in evidence an alleged unlawful deposition with additional evidence.
As a consequence of the objection, the judge decided to hold a voir dire  to determine the admissibility of the issue.
The voir dire, conducted in the absence of the jury, was completed yesterday with the Judge reserving his decision to tomorrow.
The case for the prosecution says that Farzam Khan, now deceased, was at a wedding house function at the West Bank of Demerara Clay Brick Village when he hired a car to take him to a shop in the village to purchase a soft drink.
The evidence is that as soon as he exited the car to make the purchase, the accused walked towards him and stabbed him in the neck.
The accused has pleaded not guilty and is being defended by Mr. Vic Puran.
The hearing continues tomorrow.


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