Two road fatalities

EDWARD Jeffers of Plum Park, Sophia, Greater Georgetown, was struck down in a hit-and-run accident on Sheriff Street Monday morning and died before he could receive medical attention.
Reports say Jeffers was crossing the street when he was struck by the vehicle. The police are still trying to locate the driver.

And at about 00:45hrs on Sunday, Alex Johnson, 39, of 1 ‘B’ Number 35 Village, Corentyne, died following an accident on the Number 74 Village Public Road.
Johnson, with seven others, including the driver Ravindra Prettipaul, 22, of Brighton Village, Corentyne, were in motor car PFF 405 speeding along the public road when it ran into a heap of mud.
The driver lost control, collided with a lamp pole and ran into a yard. They were all taken to the Skeldon Hospital where Johnson was pronounced dead on arrival. Prettipaul was admitted and the six others were treated and sent away. His condition is regarded as stable.


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