Over 300 house lots distributed at Uitvlugt

…Certificates of Title processed
IN keeping with the Government of Guyana’s mandate to guarantee strong equitable development  for all citizens, the Ministry of Housing and Water distributed over 300 house lots during the ‘One Stop Shop’, yesterday, in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara)
at the Uitvlugt Community Centre.
Scores of persons turned out for the event where house lots were allocated and Certificates of Title were processed for residents of the Tuschen Housing Scheme (Phase 2).
In addition, the Central Planning and Housing Authority (CP&HA)  introduced the ‘Core House’ pilot project to residents with the aim of providing 45 Core /Starter homes in the area.
‘The Core House Pilot’ is geared to improve the occupancy level within targeted schemes. Through this, the Government is to construct 400 core homes in specified schemes, aimed at bettering the quality of life of low income families by allowing greater access to housing.
Addressing the future home owners in the crowded Community Centre, Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, emphasized the importance of the event for the residents as well as the Central Housing and Planning Authority, as it is testimony to the growing developments in the area and it also ensures that development transcends itself through all the regions.

The Minister pointed out that 660 families stand to benefit from the distribution of these lots.
“It is important for you to understand that a cultural and social shift is required as this opportunity allows for the forging of new relationships as you share a community space,” he said.
He recognized the difficulties persons experience as a result of high rental costs, and encouraged the allottees to be proud of their accomplishments, moving one step closer to becoming home owners, as this will ultimately result in greater family values and a healthier family life.
Ali stated, “You are now empowered and are one step closer to owning your own home and providing security for your family; enhancement of family life is an important aspect of social development.”
This will result in the creation of a new dynamic Guyanese society which will break barriers, exemplified in Parfait Harmonie and Diamond housing schemes, the Minister said.
Alluding to increasing developments in the Region Three, he indicated that with improvement come challenges as well as conflicts, which the Regional Authority is amply equipped to manage, sustain and maintain.
“Close to $2B has been invested in construction in the Region; this will stimulate spending and every segment of society will benefit,” Ali said, adding, “housing has a tremendous translated incremental effect.”
He encouraged those present to be prepared for the growth and to take advantage of the opportunities offered at the One Stop Shop, including the services offered by representatives from the banks and construction agencies, which are aimed at simplifying the process of home ownership.
“We want to commence the process with the inclusion of the Private Sector entities to lend their central support; we implore you spend the day with us and visit the developers that are here; you have the opportunity to get things done in one day,” Minister Ali advocated.
He lauded the Private Sector for its continued support to the success of the initiative and pointed out that there has been tremendous collaboration in advancing the housing programmes in Guyana.
The Minister also revealed that there are plans to expand housing in the hinterland communities as well, as in Zeelugt, where there are plans to allocate 1,200 house lots over the next three years. This is in keeping with the Administration’s promise to provide new opportunities, all of which comes with great responsibilities on the part of the citizens.
Alluding to the maintenance and upkeep of the new housing schemes, he stressed, “People need to understand the responsibility that comes with home ownership; in this Phase 2 alone, there is $426M invested in the development of roads, a Health Centre and the new well.”
Ali appealed to the residents to beware of negative influences and to remain cognizant of the improvements in their lives as a result of Government implemented policies.
He said, “You know how your lives have been impacted and at the end of the day, when the time is right, you will respond to us.”
Region Three Chairman, Julius Faerber, lauded the efforts of the Minister and the Ministry for bringing the services of the One Stop Shop to the residents for the second time.
He pointed out that there are many applicants for house lots in the Tuschen area, and lots will be issued in Phase 2 of the housing project.

Faerber said, “Since 1992, the Government has been working with the people to ensure their comfort and the delivery of services.” He added, “Today we have a vibrant Ministry to ensure that persons throughout the country realise the dream of owning their own homes.”
In light of this, he highlighted that the Administration has been working closely with financial institutions so that citizens pay minimum interest rates on loans.
Alluding to the increasing developments through out the region, the Regional Chairman indicated that more persons have been relocating there since 2006, and as a result, more housing schemes have been developed, specifically Belle West, Parfait Harmonie and Tuschen.
Chief Executive Officer at CP&HA, Ms. Myrna Pitt, addressing the residents, revealed that the aim of the initiative was to offer them a head start in their efforts to becoming home owners.
“Owning your home is an investment in the future, it is a solid decision that you have made,” Pitt imparted.
Alluding to the contribution of the Private Sector she stated that their presence is a demonstration of what could be achieved through partnerships.
Mr. Colin Jacobs, 24, and the father of one, who uplifted his house lot along with his wife, praised the Administration and the Ministry of Housing for the initiative which allows for more persons to become home owners.
“This is something good; more people will be able to have homes; I am excited as my family will also benefit from this,” he said.
The potential home owners were also privy to a presentation on the Building Standards and Requirements, along with additional information on the Core House Pilot and Community Planning.


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