PIs in CN Sharma carnal knowledge, related cases started

Special Prosecutor apologises as…
THE preliminary inquiry (PI) into the witness tampering charge against Ravi Mangar and Mark Reid began yesterday before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond.
However, when the case was called, the Special Prosecutor, Mr. Sanjeev Datadin was not present and the Defence  lawyers, again, called for it to be dismissed.
Magistrate Chandan-Edmond remarked that Datadin is trying to make a mockery of the Court, noting that, despite her granting several adjournments as he was not prepared, he continues to disrespect the tribunal.
She asked: “Why is Mr. Datadin not here?”
Continuing, the magistrate said: “The preliminary inquiry is expected to commence today and he is not here. This is highly inexcusable and Mr. Datadin has no regard and respect for the Court.”
However, before the magistrate decided whether or not to dismiss the case, Datadin entered the courtroom and apologised to the magistrate and the Defence lawyers for his lateness.
He indicated, to the Court, that he is ready to start and has three witnesses present.
One witness testified and was cross-examined by Defence Counsel Vic Puran, prior to the adjournment to July 1.
Before the proceedings were adjourned, Datadin said, time permitting, he will also proceed with the other matters, referring to those implicating CNS Channel Six owner, Chandra Narine Sharma and others, due to commence July 8.
It is alleged that Mangar and Reid attempted to obstruct the course of justice on April 17, by offering the sum of $2M and a house on a plot of land to the virtual complainant in a carnal knowledge case involving Sharma.
They are on $100,000 bail each.
Meanwhile, the PI into the carnal knowledge charge facing Sharma was put off, once more, after Prosecution and Defence Counsel made legal submissions, to July 20.


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